Guild member limit is 100... Wait what?

I think it is based on buffs and the cost of the buffs. At 160,000 coin per week or 8.32 millions per year, I think there is a fear that a lot of guilds will not have 24.6 million coin per year to spend on the best buffs. So the ones that do will be the guilds that have all the members? Or at least that will be the players primary guild so they get the buffs.

Not sure but all I can think of.

Edit I guess it is possible the developers want guilds to compete for members and the way to do that is limit the membership? But 100 members may still be to low.

Exactly how I feel.

Kinda low key hoping the devs are noticing the problem with guilds filling up quickly bc of alts and decide to try and redesign the skill cost/skill sets/progression so ppl don’t feel the need for so many alts unless they want a diff look or name. Or privacy. shrug

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Well, People all have equal opportunity to become a strong guild.
Guild like Ultima and Ps they don’t get really strong advantage than most of us.
They have something great portal network setup is correct, but you still can’t say its the best setup in future.

A lot of nice guild grow after ps & ultima as well.

If they need money to get the guild buff ( which i don’t even think those buff will affect most end game players lol)
they can always start a good business to make money to active their buffs.

It takes time for sure, but for most famous guild people paid their time too, the difference is they put their effort earlier, and they joined the game earlier.

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Organized guilds will be able to manage all of that. It isn’t like the buffs are game breakingly necessary.

Even if the idea is to have guilds compete for members… I think that’s going to lead down a path where guilds kick members out cause they aren’t providing enough coin cause they are a worse shopkeeper than someone else that is replacing them. I don’t know if it would promote healthy competition. I just see elitist scum beggary happening.

I could be very wrong though and want to be considering all the toxicity that exists in the game anyways.

EDIT: Also, 24.6 million coin a year isn’t a lot.

@wade44423 Personally I am not sure the buffs are worth the coin, but others might feel they are vital to gameplay and create and “Advantage” to wealthier guilds. I do wonder about such a massive coin sink, but that is off topic.

I would agree that the buffs are not game breaking. I know they have talked about adding more buffs in the future, but I would think they would be pretty careful about what they introduce. And they could always take it back when it runs out so no one has to loose anything.

I personally would agree that having guilds start to kick out members to stay under a member limit is probably going to be really bad for the game.

I would disagree that 24.6 million coin is not a lot, but that is based on my experience.

It isn’t a lot. If you have a 100 member guild that each person can consistently each month afford 100k coin. Adds up fast. You can pay for that 24.6 million multiples times a year. But that’s talking about an ideal situation and those aren’t very realistic. I don’t know if it’s manageable or not. I care more about the plot and settlement protection stuff. I am with you though on the buffs not worth the coin.

I think one of the developers of Crowfall best put it: “the juice isn’t worth the squeeze”

I don’t see it being a problem for a guild that wants to finance those buffs. It might actually incentivize players who have inactive shops to make them active instead of wasting people’s time visiting them just so they can find a place to buy tools or sell their resources at.

Well, future is future.
At least so far those buff looks normal to me.
I agree they need to be more careful about future buff release.

Define “wealthier guild” please, this really make me confuse.
Any guild get money without paying effort or something like this ?

They made their money by start a shop too.
Or hardly promote their guild to allow everyone know it and join it.
After that, they need to work very hard to make their members feel worth to involve to the guild and donate the coins. You know most players they don’t donate anything when they join the guild for first 2 weeks right ?

Who will be handling those buff cost ? Still those guild leaders and other experience players in their team.
Usually its under 10 people.

Also only stupid people will kick out their member because they don’t donate to guild.
For most guild leader in this game they want people more than those buffs.
Buffs just an extra benefit for members.

A lot of people understand this game really wrong.
The most powerful resource in this game is not any gear, money, buff …etc
Its “people”.
When you have a lot of people u can trust in your team, everything will be much easier than before.

For new members they don’t have money and they need those money to buy gears / coils
For experience players, those buff just slightly improve their game play experience.

Base on those points on top i mention, people won’t join your guild and willing to donate coins because your guild has best buff setup. Most of them are looking for people to play with, or some people to help them understand the game better, or they have same goal to run in the group.

As i know, a lot of guilds have machine room setup up with max power coils for their members to use.
For me this is more attractive than those buff for new - mid lvl members.

For experienced level players, they care more about their business, so a shopping mall setup can bring them more traffic daily is more attractive too.

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Yeah like the guild (Fireborn) on Minorengle. AMAZING PLACE! Everyone is so nice. :wink:

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Really? I feel like it’s easier to level since you get 4 points per level. 200k xp isn’t that much for a level 50 player to accomplish. It’s just a couple hours mining without any teaching food.

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I level about 3 to 8 times a day mining. Without a pie. :smile:

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Wow! Really? You can afford to donate 100k per month?!?
I cant even afford to donate 100c per month…
My coin count has never been above 25k

You’re a machine!! How is that even possible?! Is your character level less than 20?

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If people really want it, they’ll get it. I should have been more clear on that.

Also, the point was to explain how 24 million in a year’s time isn’t a lot of coin for a guild that works together towards accomplishing a single goal or task. We already have examples of this kind of behavior in the game. City building guilds and portal networks.

If the member limit is not increased, members will essentially be paying coin to not be kicked out. Not donating enough? There’s the door. Is this what the devs intend? Lower class (poor) citizens to be left out of the best guilds?

even that aside they will have to start turning people away once the overflow max’s out i know PURE had to start a 2ed and 3ed guild cuz of it

Not sure how I feel about the limit. Using factions it increases by a bunch, but so does painful micro-managing. Plus it seems like you cannot communicate with the guild on a character that joined a faction, only faction chat is available? If you don’t have a character in the main guild, you will essentially be isolated from it as a whole, despite being part of a faction and the main guild also showing up under “other guilds” on your character.

Seems a bit confusing because in the UI it’s also not really clear which character is only part of a faction, or part of the main guild as well as a faction. It displays the main guild under “other guilds” whether you count to its total or not. However the total I’m talking about is the 100 capped total on the main guild, not the total actually displayed, which does factor in factions. On the guild board it also lists all members even if they are only in factions and not the main guild.

In some cases I would like to not be part of the main guild on alts to not take up a slot, but still be able to communicate with the guild as a whole as part of a faction. But changing that right now would require leaving the main guild and joining the faction, which would make me lose buffs. Unless you can safely leave the main guild without leaving the faction?

There is still a bunch of general confusion about how all these things interact, I think it would be best if the cap on the main guild is simply all factions combined to make it more straight-forward and so you don’t have to pick and choose at all.

yea would be really nice to hear form a dev if this was planned or not cuz right now we got a lot of angry guild leaders unsure what to do with our “overflow” members :angry:


Did this ever get fixed? I was thinking about having my hunter join PURE, but I can only hunt occasionally and don’t want to jam up thier roster if the limit is still in place.

I don’t think any dev replied to this yet.


Lmao, no. I’m well past 50. It’s pretty easy and you can do it too. I have 5 characters. 4 have 3 skill sets. My main, Savior has a Xp total of 28,153,283
I play a lot…