Halloween maze

Dear Boundless Family,

You are all invited to our year 2 of the Halloween maze event.

This year we will host it 2 times so people from around the world can come.


For those who have never been to my maze events this is not a maze whare you try to find the exit. Instead you want to get lost!

How this work is there is tokens all around the maze. And when all the tokens are found you gets prizes. And don’t worry if you did not find 1 then you still get a little something just for joining us :heavy_heart_exclamation:

So mark your calendars and hope to see you there. Phantom of the opera 2ed floor of TNT. And we will meet up in the opera house :heart:


added to calendar, ill be there for sure :smiley:


Might be able to make it on the 27th, i am normally home from work by then :slight_smile:

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Oh I am so happy. I cant wait to see everyone :grin:

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I’ll try to make one of those times. Depends on how I spend my weekend :smiley:


Get ready one month from today is the event. Can’t wait :grin:


And the count down begins :jack_o_lantern: 27 days to go :jack_o_lantern:


20 days till the spooky maze :grin: and remember boundless family. You are not looking for an end of the maze. This is a special maze to where anybody can do it. If anything you want to get lost because you never know where a prize might be hidden in the maze :jack_o_lantern::rose:

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16 more days my spooky friends :jack_o_lantern::heart:


I think it’s awesome that you are hosting at 2 times to be inclusive :earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_asia:


It is my pleasure. I just hope it works out :crossed_fingers: because if this works out I know when to do the Christmas maze then :snowflake::snowflake::snowflake:


Oh boy, oh boy. 10 more days it’s so exciting :grin:

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Holy cow 7 days left!

It’s day after tomorrow everyone! Time to get spooky and get ready to creep over soon :grin::jack_o_lantern:


Oh spooky scary oortlings Halloween maze tomorrow!


6 hours till the Halloween maze :corn::grinning: we will meet in the opera house. Phantom of the opera :rose: also there is prizes for everyone! Even if you did not find a token. Also this maze your not looking for a end. You want to get lost as much as possible. Cuz it’s the only way to find the prizes :grin:


I’m so sorry, I will not be able to make it. I really thought it was in the evening. :pensive:

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I have it 2 times. The first one is in a hour and a half from now and the 2ed one is at 2023-10-28T08:00:00Z so you should be able to still make it :rose::heart:

Hope you have an awesome event.
So sorry not able to make the 2 times. Not suitable for my timezone unfortunately.
Happy Halloween Maze Event

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Oh I am sorry :pensive:

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