I think we need a voting system.
I just play the game … if an update comes it comes if it doesn’t it doesn’t.
I do hope one is released, but I dont let that affect me having fun and neither should anyone else. If it isn’t fun for you go play something else, Id much rather run through a hub and see someone knowing they are having fun than just biding their time until an update comes.
You all obviously love or once loved the game for what it was and its still the same game the only difference is a lack of communication and an update and if those 2 issues causes you to quit Im sorry but as stated MANY times by me, those 2 combined with boredom is the main cause of most people leaving.
I may become jaded as some of you one day, but I plan to stick around as long as the game is around with the amount of enjoyment it gives me the game deserves some love from someone and I dont mind it being me.
I personally don’t care for the update, boundless is a place to escape with friends.
Anyone that take it too seriously need to chill hahaha.
I’m kind of with the last couple of responses … plus I think there’s a general malaise (everywhere, not just Boundless) from an online gaming community that’s just realised they’ve spent a year in front of their screen and maybe there’s some other stuff they need to be doing .
the issue is less that the game isnt being updated and more there is there is literally no support.
if everything works great…
but if you have some random circumstances that meet which means your game wont load, planet is unreachable or something that requires a admin to help you are out of luck if you want support in a “timely” manner.
If you have a random griefer showing you cant really call a GM cause there are no GMs, So your only real option is to pay for a sov world so you have some control over who can grief you.
In other games with even smaller teams you get a lot better support, even when those devs are working day jobs just to make ends meet. here the boundless team abandoned us, they arent even pretending to support the game any more.
Heck they aren’t even doing the back end maintenance.
Ah? That’s news to me: I thought the one thing we still had from the devs was technical support.
I’ve never not had good experiences when raising full support issues whether tech or grief based.
Actually, I had an excellent experience regarding griefing in game, recently (post announcement), that makes me see insinuations to the contrary as not extremely helpful with regard to fostering a nice environment.
I have gotten technical support for griefers a number of times recently (in the past week).
Griefing support was another thing entirely though.
The last time I was griefed by someone, that was a clever grief. It was juuuuuust within the rules.
He was basically building objectively hideous monoliths as close as he could from the places of people he didn’t like on the forum just to antagonize them, and was always like “oh, that’s your place? I didn’t know! Eh, but my fantastic monolith HAS to be here for Lore reasons”.
He and I both knew it was a grief and nothing else, and so I was stuck in what I can only describe as Limbo for like 3 months because the devs weren’t going to help me…
But then the griefer made a clear and obvious additional build beyond the line of what was acceptable, and so THEN, James intervened in a way where, I gotta say, I will never be able to re-pay him. Took 3 months, but in the end, he surpassed my hopes.
Had the griefer stayed with his original thing, it would still be here.
So kids, the morale of the story is: you can grief people as long as it’s within the gray-area of the game’s rules.
I agree with you. At the earliest, about 14-17 months before we’ll see anything more for Boundless. Which is longer than a lot of people are going to be willing to wait…
Griefers are usually taken care of…eventually. I guess it depends upon how many complain or how important that person is.
I remember one on Tana VII who had a blocked off shop stand selling raw oort for 35 coins each. It was reported by multiple and it was eventually removed about a week later.
I remember another where there was a guy who had a shop on Raxxa that had a sign that said it was only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Problem was, the shop stands still showed up in search on the days it was closed.
It was reported multiple times before Vdragon showed up and dealt with it.
Yeah but that’s griefing which is clearly not operating within the rules of the game. I’m talking about the devious ones who know where to stop to annoy people and yet not be in trouble with the devs.
Anyway, that’s off-topic.
I certainly hope that the release of BG3 will bring the game back to a sense of normalcy, but I sort-of fear the Turbulenz/Wonderstruck devs could be sent to work on an expansion or DLC or something and won’t be left alone to go back to Boundless…
prestige hunters
Don’t get me wrong support is always needed for those things, saying that I had a issue that needed attention the other day- contacted the devs and within minutes the issue was resolved and it had to go through multiple people in wonderstruck to be resolved.
I’ve always had grievers sorted within a week or so, and the devs are great at responding to things I’ve needed auctioning or assistance with.
So from a support side of things 100% they are their to help. From a Develompent side- I say they are working on it and it will be released when it’s ready .
I’m happy to wait.
So I was thinking on this and how I have recently emailed Turbulenz about some questions we as a community had about the game and a few personal questions I wanted answered. I don’t know that I expect an answer from it, but it was well worded and something I put some actual effort into writing. It’s been four days and nothing more than the automated response I got on the initial send.
While I don’t think I’ll get a response I will remain hopeful. I also have contacted James on a grief issue and am hopeful that is resolved too. I have messaged James with much success in the past and most issues I have had have been handled pretty quickly. So I have emailed Turbulenz with some questions and again asking James the same questions in hopes of getting some answers. I don’t need these questions answered really, but I am hopeful that I can somehow get some questions answered for the community to possibly eliminate communication as one of the reasons people have be leaving the game.
I’ll keep everyone posted, but one thing I have realized is I get answers and resolution to most every technical issue, but anything more than that I get silence.
None of this makes me not want to play the game, so I’ll remain hopeful and see you in the game
I still love playing the game. But there is only so much I can hunt, build, move, build, before I get bored. I’ve put 2 years into this game, which is usually a standing record for me. Only other games I’ve stuck around this long for is Neverwinter, Swtor, EVE, and Anarchy Online.
@tarranth You my friend, have TOTALLY proven a point I have been trying to make for a long time on these forums… boredom… it is the main reason people are leaving the game. The update would come it would still be the same game … with a little added twist… 12 devs could suddenly post 100’s of posts … James could say “I got ya! We’re back!” but people will still get bored and play something else it’s inevitable.
The only thing that really allows a game to live on is the community around it. I have seen it dozens of times as have tons of other gamers just like me. I’m old as hell, I have played so many games and been in MANY gaming communities both large and small. Gaming launched my career in web development way back in the day by me simply joining a Quake 1 CTF server and befriending some random dude … we formed a clan … which turned into a large clan … and he asked me to travel 14 hours to a New Years party …offered me a job at his web company he owned … just after we puked together on a couch from drinking too much… all thanks to gaming. That was my true first venture into a true gaming community… and in my career. It’s the community that can make or break a game and not the game itself.
@tarranth I too played all the games you’ve listed, along with numerous others I stuck out for a long time, 7 Days to Die, Planet Coaster, WoW, Guild Wars 1 & 2, and the list goes on and on. But what made those games for me was the community that loved all the games I listed from the clans I spent 36 hour raids with defeating Molten Core and Blackwing Layer with to the people that helped me see my first hub in Boundless… to the people inviting me to my first gleambow hunt and those same people just simply waving in the game to me.
While I too struggle at times to find something to do, I look to others at times to inspire me to build something new outside my comfort zone or venture off to a new place. Heard a new story about Mega Mall … if anyone knows the story it’s sad, amusing and a great story … and its now transforming into Retro Mall … I even take a random portals and find a player icon and say hi and see if I can help them.
This is much longer than I wanted to write so to whomever made it this far, YOU are what makes this game and if you are bored I get that … but maybe, just maybe there is something new, or someone that can benefit from your knowledge or much like me someone that just needs a little push to understand just how great of a game Boundless can be… if it hadn’t been for a player guiding myself and a friend some I would have dropped this game after a week … I can’t explain how happy I am the opposite happened.
Boundless is only great because of people like you @Redlotus and your amazing shops hahah
HAHA … speaking of shops … I think my storage one is very low …