Has development stopped?

Shall I call the mall cops to inspect your stock levels ……


Are we off topic haha :speak_no_evil:

No sir we are good. I’ll message you to discuss something else though on Discord.

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I was honestly ready to give up and quit playing last November. Then I joined up with the wonderful people at Brown Town and it has been a new lease on life. And just when it was starting to lull, we started with Project Permadeath BT edition, which renewed interest in the game.
But now that the two leaders are taking an extended leave and one of the builders joined them in taking a break, the community is shrinking. Though I think we lost about a 1/3 when we moved to a Sovereign.
Neverwinter just release Mod 21 and I’m rocking out a Bard for now.


Mod 21? Tell me more.

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Even if development has stopped me Baby Cookie Will still be around I’m an original Player from FFXIV with 56k hours my endgame in ffxiv was Housing and decorating to the max potential of glitches and bugs taking advantage of creating awesome things in ffxiv in that game I’m going for Double in Boundless so I’m in it for the long haul Mwahahaha


I still play Minecraft and Runescape once in awhile :laughing: (not lately though).

For Boundless, I can see things both ways. If development has stopped for now, that doesn’t really affect anything. The game is still enjoyable, playable, online, everything is still operational/accessible, etc. New players are loving it. Basically nothing in the game itself has changed, at this point. They are still paying for the forums and Exos, which they might not if they were actually done with everything, since it costs them time & $.

I was hoping the next update would happen as quick as possible so that I could use the new paint goo output, switch over to the new all-skills-on-one-character, and have the new melee weapons. With each update, some are glad, some don’t care, and some want a different update (this is to be expected and happens with all games).

Now crossing my fingers for an Anniversary event/party in September & a spooky Halloween event with cute bats :bat:


I still revisit many games just as you do @majorvex

Sometimes its just fun to play something you enjoy no reason needed more than that.


I think an area of concern for me in this regard would be the loading page which shows the copyright through 2020. Is the IP not renewed? That would explain the lack of production.


That could be, I honestly don’t know. The website has 2018 on it.



Well we didn’t have a spring Gleambow event, so I’m honestly not go to be surprised if we don’t get a fall gleambow event, or Hallowoort, or Oortmas.
Even if development has ceased, they should still be running the events that have become a staple of play.

@james care to comment as to whether these events are still on the calendar or have been canceled for good?

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I gotta admit, my heart is feeling a bit heavy of late. I went through a shutdown with the love of my life, Landmark, and it took me years to find a game that came within even it’s shadow. To watch the exodus and the quiet…sigh…


I actually noticed that the other day and commented on it in discord chat. Someone pointed out it’s just because they haven’t published anything new this year.


I must have missed it. I had to look “Landmark” up as I had never heard of it…

Landmark could have been the best game ever. It is MILES over Boundless (I say that with utter respect) but even though you could do things with voxels that would astound you after what we can do here, it also wasn’t working…so maybe less fancy voxels was the only answer.

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What Landmark did for building was great and the ability to build was pretty sweet especially some of the unknown and random things the voxels did. I wouldn’t say it was “Miles” over Boundless other than the building aspect…while I too was sad over Landmark and liked it alot … it never was never more than a building … umm … sim. It was never a game … although it aspired to be and it would have been quite cool. It went away just as EQ Next did.

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Well, the fact you could make real circles and angles of many degrees earns it that title to me.
And, you’re right, it was a building Sim with friends. But then that’s all I wanted out of Boundless too. Didn’t need no smelly swords and shields (giggle) Anyway, that’s enough Landmark talk. I’m not a big fan of talking about other games on a game’s own forum, even if it is dead /salute!


Landmark failed mainly because Sony and then Daybreak botched things. They made major mistakes in so many ways and that’s what made me leave EQ2 after many years. Wonderstruck / Turbulenz seems to be making many of those same mistakes. It’s why I am really not upbeat on the future of this game. Yes, EQ2 is still around but none of my friends in that game are around and new people aren’t playing it so the grouping and all I loved in it are gone. This game feels like it is headed in that direction. I hope I am wrong.

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Landmark started out as the proving ground for EQ Next’s technologies before they shot it off on it’s own entirely. Then the vision for it seemed to grow and change to often to nail town an real audience. My EQ2 guild quit when they decided to throw in PvP. Even though it was entirely voluntary it just seemed like they were throwing whatever at the game to see what would stick.

Should have just left it as a building tool and used that other stuff in eqnext.