Well to get back on topic the one hope I was given was from James in a PM he sent me when I asked a question about a technical issue. He simply said:
So until I hear dfiferently I’ll remain hopeful.
Well to get back on topic the one hope I was given was from James in a PM he sent me when I asked a question about a technical issue. He simply said:
So until I hear dfiferently I’ll remain hopeful.
Whoops sorry, I’m a noob, lol. I thought I was sending direct messages to epoling. My bad!
How long ago was that and is the Team ok are they healthy that is more important than the update
Since it was brought to my attention, I wanted to clarify the date here that James posted this and preface that my whole outlook on the game is a positive one I did not leave out the date to mislead anyone or to give false hope. For me, if this had been posted yesterday or 2 years ago I would still remain hopeful because until I hear an official word the game has stopped development from a credible source (James or Turblenz) I will continue to believe it’s being worked on. The date and whether it’s positive or negative will always be in the eye of the beholder.
Here’s is a screenshot with a date:
I am not sure but they are in my thoughts.
We have a awesome team I would ask how the team in general are doing and not the update
If you were looking for a lost £50 note/$100 bill or whatever, you would be hopeful you would find it * insert other preferred analogy’s
But we’ll, that’s nearly 4mth ago……and now what 8mths since an update.
I admire the positive outlook and optimism, but probability has to be considered. That probability in my eyes is that it isn’t coming. Especially with the zero comms being factored in. A slow development with devs saying ooops tech hurdles or Covid (insert competing priorities, end of the world etc here) is one thing, absolutely nothing is a bit more worrying
Sigh… my reply to someone in a PM seems relevant to you @ghandymarshall
I’d say James is a clearly talented dev, coder etc.
Sadly he clearly isn’t a talented communicator.
One thing I do think he also is , is an shrewd businessman. If he is he would seriously have to consider how viable BL is in its current form compared to selling the IP or working on BG3 or whatever.
I don’t think anyone can question that as it stands the game isn’t, or won’t be a commercial success.
I hope for mass market adoption and growth, but my lack of logging in says I don’t think it’s realistic
10 points to hufflepuff.
On topic tho I feel like stuff is still happening in terms of development. I remember reading that the dev team absolutely loves this game and working on it soo I don’t think it would ever fully die. Sure it may slow down to the point it is at now but it will keep going.
If the end is truly in sight, it’s been fun, if it isn’t let’s break all limits and make an awesome place to be.
Honestly I would love to see this game have 1000, 5000 or even more concurrent players.
I would love to be told hahahahaha you got it soooo wrong the game is thriving. I wish this game became another nms rushing forward and rising from the ashes.
I have spent thousands of hours playing and done a lot in the game. Unfortunately after 3yrs or more playing sometimes 14hrs a day I have lost sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.
I honestly and truly wish I could perceive a glimmer of light but there’s not one single post or pm to support it.
I don’t think other people being hopeful, optimistic or wishful is a bad thing, that’s what can save a game. I hope you’re positive outlook brings the masses and pushes the game forwards, but honestly it’s a Herculean task IMO at this stage. I do wish you and everyone who’s of the same mindset the best outcome though
And that is why I like you and respect you @ghandymarshall even if our outlooks differ as I do with others here. There are a great many of us with different outlooks and even though it can get heated on these forums (sorry @majorvex) we all just want the game and the devs to do better.
I know not everyone has such a positive outlook as me and at times I am glad they don’t because it keeps me in check, but all I ask is when someone posts something that’s positive why not try and reinforce their positivity (not that you or anyone doesn’t) instead of countering with a negative.
At times, I am glad I didn’t know about the forums before I tried the game because honestly I would have had a lot of trepidation on ever giving it a shot. While that doesn’t always stop me, it is the players in the end that makes the game what it is and if the forums are full of negativity it sure would have made me question the amount of negativity in-game.
I choose to remain positive, because the alternative just doesn’t appeal to me, but that doesn’t mean my view is all rainbows and unicorns … although at times I wish it was …
No matter what happens, I love you guys.
Stay Boundless.
I like that this is just a much nicer way of saying the “Okay, so how often do you need to be reminded that they are working on it?” that I have tried expressing.
My biggest concern is that the Steam playerbase has halved since the announcement (both daily average and peak count) in February, and there has been nothing done to assuage the fear that Boundless is being abandoned.
Either it is abandoned, in which case people deserve to know so they can deal with it emotionally, or it is not abandoned and people still deserve to know and can maybe stop hemorrhaging players by being clear with what the status of the game and company are.
By not saying anything they are essentially ensuring it will die, which is why I think the first is the actual case and James is unable to or doesn’t want to break the news to the remaining players.
The other reason I am concerned that this is the actual case is that all staff communication has essentially halted since the announcement, whereas before multiple devs were posting regularly, and since it’s been basically radio silence with some posts from James or Leah, and only one of the devs (Blake) has posted a few times since the announcement. Most of the devs haven’t visited the forums in months. James and Leah have also been almost completely silent for over a month now (James posted 2x in all of July, once about a refund request and once to say maps were updated , Leah posted 1x about a support issue in all of July).
I know some of you don’t want to say the sky is falling, but from here it looks like a black hole is swallowing up the game and you’re caught in it and just can’t tell.
Steam chart for player number reference: https://steamcharts.com/app/324510
Staff last seen/post dates https://forum.playboundless.com/g/Wonderstruck
Editing because I want to explicitly state I hope more than anything that I’m completely and utterly wrong. Like so freaking much because even though I’m not playing, Boundless means a lot to me and the game dying is heartbreaking. @james tell me I’m wrong, please.
We have all seen the charts over and over, we have all speculated what is going on, why it is going on and unless the servers shutdown and I can’t log in the game, the game is still alive.
I don’t think anyone is disagreeing that the player base has dropped off or that the lack of communication is awkward and at times downright strange, but if that causes anyone not to want to play the game don’t play it.
There are players that plan to stick it out as long as the game servers are still online and there is nothing wrong with that and then there are those of us that think the game is dead, dying or as stated a “black hole” swallowing the game and nothing is wrong with that either.
This community is a smart one… and I promise none of them are blind (granted I think @Rydralain may be a pirate with one eye and @ghandymarshall may have a third eye) … but they and the rest of the community are well aware of the issues, stats and dev activity. Some just want to play the game, some don’t and some are in the middle of the two, so I say just go with the flow something is bound to happen good or bad.
I just prefer to focus on the good while it lasts.
Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting the game to survive or continuing to play until it shuts down, or trying to remain positive.
That being said, there is a problem with not informing people (many of which, myself included, who are currently paying customers) with what is going on when all it takes is a single post to clear the air. They have had months to figure this out and it’s unprofessional to remain quiet when people are this invested (some financially, most emotionally).
I always trying to figure out the playstation charts I see more PlayStation players in game but the steam charts don’t show console players
Could communication be restricted due to non-disclosure agreements or non-compete clauses?
It is the only thing making sense here.
I love the game, and I hope the worst doesn’t happen, but I also don’t want to waste my time grinding and playing a game that’s going to disappear. I feel like Larian won’t let them work or even communicate about anything other than bg3, and that is very disappointing. But for how much all those devs said they loved this game just to up and leave like that?….
This was one of my speculations too, for some reason (and could be several) their silence is being forced.
All speculation of course, but at this point I don’t think that is so much the case - I’ve sort of given up on getting more info now, I still enjoy the game as it is, while it is, and love my fellow Citizens so will just take it as it is, but I DO still wonder about the reasons as it really doesn’t feel right to me enjoying a game that might have become a burden to it’s creators but which they might be obliged to continue for some contract reason. Burden on time, if they’re overwhelmed with BG3 work (and it is clear that game is going slower than planned and has had roadblocks come up), but also - could the costs of keeping it going also be a burden? Maybe letting the player base drop could help there on the servers and time investment they need too… maybe the monetization here wasn’t cutting it, so more cost efficient to try to keep things slower, and perhaps down the road work on it again? Regardless, no hard feelings here at all - I just worry about them and hope things are ok. To be dead blunt, bulk of my focus has moved over to another game and things are becoming harder to maintain for me in this game, so while I’d miss Boundless, if it goes, I’m ok and totally understand. And once again, always so grateful for the time I had here and the friends I made.