Have you joined the Boundless Discord?

Boundless [Official]Boundless Discord Link

  • Yes
  • No & I won’t.
  • No, but I will if the forum becomes read-only.
  • I cannot join it, even if I want to.
0 voters

To be fair, I joined the Boundless discord long before I got a forum account. But after I got hit with the ban hammer by mistake in there, I very, very rarely comment any more.


Who even has admin control over the discord now? I remember it was originally fan made, but control got passed to James eventually and now idk.


Disregard… I answered my own question by just going and looking, derp


I have. But don’t use discord nowadays so.

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Yes but prefer forums when looking for info.


I’ve been there for ages but don’t check it on regular basis.


I’ve joined it years ago, but I find discord pretty lacklustre and prefer a proper forum.


joined years ago, but i prefer forum for sharing info/pics/exo founds,
using discords only for talking with friends and for guilds talking/events

not using discords for looking or sharing info, its almost impossible to find anything usufull at discord channels, they are usually flood with AI bot spamming,scamming and advertisement


i have it but i don’t even look at it


I have not use it since i joined several years ago. Think it messy and frustrating…


I joined a while ago and left just recently. Wasn’t a vote option.


I do prefer a well oiled discord over forums, but you have to use all the bells and whistles to make it more useful to a playerbase. For instance another MMO discord I’m in, has signups for topics you might be interested in, event clocks and communications (thinking that hunt groups would benefit if that section isn’t already done like that which it probably is idk) and its fairly well moderated and the community actually uses the channels as labeled (well about 90% of the time, but that’s really good for discord community standards).

If you don’t have a couple moderators around (granted it’s community is magnitudes bigger than boundless so I’m sure they have more than we’d need), and without the signup structures and other powerful discord features being used, i would agree that the forums are a simple and easier to use format for engaging in general channels and topics… But I’d personally prefer the boundless discord get a little love and organization, then i would definitely creep less on the forums, and might switch entirely without the forums becoming read only

I joined the discord about 3 years ago. Used it every day for about a month and then put it on mute. I now check it occasionally…


I only need Guild servers on my discord. Any other info i want is in the green Events chat in game.