Hello! Nice to meet y’all!

So cami is a bot. I knew it. You’ve been foolin us this whole time


welcome hope ya swing by aqua embassy beckon love to give ya a tour :smile:


I find this entire conversation highly controversial and upsetting. Also nice to meet you.


@james really enjoy posting here, but maybe a review of the posts that say hi, new or coming back so it can’t happen?
Don’t want new players to feel unwelcome.

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Mag you goon! You’re gonna get me in trouble xD

Boop beep

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The Aqua Embassy is AMAZING. I’d love a grand tour some day ^^

@james thank you for the swift reply. Never fear, I’m just another regular old human :slight_smile:

Got it! Dang you are on top of this stuff!! :+1: thanks for clarifying.

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Welcome! :slight_smile: It is a really great community, though I still have lots to learn I find myself spending more and more time playing. It is so addictive!

Sorissi is a good starting place, some nice hubs and stores there. Kindred Bay is a great hub, I link to it myself from Alder, and Aprilawesomeland has really excellent shopping.


Hey, Cami! Great to see you here. Welcome aboard! :smiley:


@bucfanpaka yeah! I’ve been in game since October. I was just scared of the forums, ya know. There’s toxic people everywhere. I haven’t found any yet! April is the best, and such a sweet person.


Thanks so much @C0ND1T10NR3D !!! :wink:


Keep in mind, that would be at the expense of having to review spam bots which are probably a lot more common than people saying hi, which is the unfortunate part.

Welcome to the forum Cami!

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if wishes were horses, I guess


Well I was also told on Discord that there’s an introduction section in the forums. I was just to excited when I signed in lol :3