Help with att wireless router

At my girlfriend’s house with my PS4. Wired not an option.

Anyway, every device in the apt has fine internet except my PS4 which only gets 40kbps down/up and therefore can’t play anything. There’s no separate 5ghz so that’s not the issue. Same problem with every device turned off, so it’s not network congestion.

It’s the same att-fiber provided wireless router I have in my own apartment, and the one at home works fine with my PS4.

Any genius ideas? I’m pretty stumped tbh. I’ve tried turning it off and back on again.

I wonder if there is some throttling happening because the device is identified as a gaming device? My suggestion, especially since it’s ISP provided hardware, would be to try contacting the ISP.

Some googling says to try using a different DNS server in the PS4 settings. I don’t know where to do that, but the DNS server at ip (or one of the other free open DNS’) may give you better performance. Probably worth a try before dealing with support.

Yep worth a shot.

My identical one at home wasn’t throttling afaik.

Also the router is 15 feet from the PS4 and both zoom and streaming work fine on laptops and the tv.

Well there’s your problem! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: