High Tech Late Game Recipes

1) Combi Furnace
Much like the spark generator, the combi furnace shares one coal stack, only here it has multiple outputs like having several of them in a line. A maximum of ten can be combined together. 4 if you think that op’d.

2) Shoulder lamp , Floating Orb Light, or Illuminating Grapple.
For lighting up caves as a torch would when you are dual grappling. If a shoulder slot is a pain to code, just an advance set of grapples that doubles as a torch would work.

3) Emergency warp out portal or beacon.
For a decent cost in resources, and the press of an assigned hotkey, you can immediately warp to the sanctum with no wait. An emergency lava escape or an escape while you are about to die hunting. - Also a good resource sink, but it (along with other things no doubt) would need to be disabled on any possible future pvp worlds.

4) Atmospheric Generator.
Generates a breathable atmospheric bubble over a plot, for when atmospheres are released. These might require fuel but also be able to be linked together like spark, so you are just fueling one unit for several plots. Another good resource sink.

5) Flare Gun, Torch Gun, Light Gun or Torchlight Gun.
Able to fire sticky torches or flares over distances to illuminate an area.

6) Precision Explosives or Tunnel Bombs.
Bombs which remove blocks in a long straight line. 1x1, 3x3, and/or 5x5 wide.

7) Monster Attractor or Aggro Generator.
Increases spawns, possibly meteors and other hostiles to come to your location.

8) Mega Shops.
Double Capacity Shop Stands.

9) Lifts
Up and Down. Also side to side. Requires spark. Could double as a short distance transit system.

10) Helper Block.
Handles Offline Messages, like mail.
Warns you about beacons about to run out of fuel (anywhere in the settlement)


Well, to solve this one, the forge will allow you to add a glow effect to tools :slight_smile:


you forgot detachable grapples so we can lock enemys onto the ground by grapple line :smile:


That would be neat :D.
Net grapples.

I like the idea of lifts.