Hit a Wall - Advice?

My favorite way to get some quick pocket money is to find a cheap gem shovel and farm shimmering or pulsating orbs on a low tier planet.
The shovel doesn’t need damage, just aoe and maybe a bit of dura or speed, super cheap. Take some recovery brews, persisting pies, and regen bombs and go sit at a sponge or growth farm grinding for 30 min or so, then mint everything in a coiled minter.
Inventory fills really quickly and (I can’t remember the exact numbers) sponge and mould mint for around 500 coin per ss (you’ll get a ss every couple of minutes) and shimmer and pulsating orbs mint for like, 5k per stack.
In half an hour you can make 50k+ with maybe 2 or 3 shovels.

What is ss mean

Related reminder: There are many public fully coiled chrysominters around. You don’t have to make your own.

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SS is Smart Stack. When a stack groups up and you have 9 grid slots for sub-stacks, that’s a smart stack. Hopefully that was clear enough.

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Ty very much

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Stahp OMG :scream:


I hear you @junglejapes. For weeks my coin came from following the objectives. Talk about pining for a stellar hammer!

I kept reading about mining and it was several weeks more before I got up the nerve to venture beyond the nice placid lands of Trior.

I remember reading a post about mining silver on Cardass and how that had paid for someone’s base, and then someone shared a spot on Serp for diamonds and blam!

For a while it was Cardass silver that kept me in hammers and coin. Then release 247 dropped and sovereign planets opened up a realm of mining opportunities. Before the market totally bombed I mined so much emerald to help finance forging supplies.

So, yeah. Mining.



I know it’s bad but it’s so much faster and I’m really lazy

(Plenty of coin just minting the sponge and mould though :blush:)

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Put those orbs in a shop stand while you spend your money from minting the blocks at least.

Someone might buy them for at least 2 or 3 times what the minter pays by then. @HOST was recently selling them for roughly 3x minter price and I couldn’t find any left a couple hours after his post…

EDIT: Though things will probably stay slow until we can get some more BUTT around here.


correct, i sell them for 11-12c and keep selling.
so yeah you could sell them and earn at least double.

@Coolpants (currently I’m out so take advantage :stuck_out_tongue: )


If u need some help just pm me I’m esper in game. I also buy alot of gems and all lucents and willing to show u good spots for mining

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I usually only use this method when I see a shiny I don’t need and must purchase it but know that I shouldn’t spend the coin :woman_shrugging:
Me: “Ooh… a bunch of random overpriced flowers… I need it”
Also me: “what? No.”
Me: “it’s ok, I brought a shovel.”

These glorious impulse purchases can’t wait long enough to put them in stands.
I’m basically forced into minting them.


If you need help, I have a few spare gem AoE tools and some persisting pies. Might help you get a good start.
I can also throw in a little extra coin for good measure.

This all comes down to personal goals as to what progression is. While the game is touted as an MMO and in many ways it is an MMO, in the end I’ve come to realize all in all the game is still a sandbox. You have to really sit back and define some goals you want to accomplish.

Some goals of mine:

  • Create a color storage for our guild - Gleam, Rock, Wood… etc
  • Create an overall storage for the guild
  • Build a base
  • Build a shop
  • Max adv. coils on machines
  • Become as independent as possible and not rely on coins as much (create my own tools and mats)

These are just some of the goals I have, but like I said in games like these you really need to define some goals that interests you.


U will need them!!! A lot of mob drops are used in centraforge ingredient making!!!

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