How devs letting us be able to spray gleam will affect the economy (cause and effect)

I see, that makes sense. Private planets will change the game when it comes to availability. Good points.

Thank you for explaining @Peyago

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Any changes to an existing system can have negatives. Personally, I feel the postives outweigh the negatives here by a long shot. I’ll try to list them from my perspective:


  • Unlocks the full spectrum of building materials to help further boost the already amazing creativity, individuality and uniqueness in builds.

  • Makes pigment mixing even more viable and adds extra value to all pigments and sprays by expanding their applications & usefulness several times over.

  • It adds more activity and stimulates the economy. Goo farming becomes more accessible; much more than a novelty or niche for the select few. More players buying kernals, more tint shops. Tinting becomes a normal game actively.


  • Gleambow Racing becomes fairly useless. This can be countered with adding more enriching content to the existing event such as special drops rewarded upon completing the meteors themselves like an event item, “gleambow dust” for crafting event items.

  • Players who spent lotsa coin or time acquiring special colours (myself included) are just suddenly full of regret for a week or so. :cry: I’m very sad about that, but some fellas are lucky and some ain’t.

Also just throwing this out here, being able to tint gleam (or everything else for that matter) wouldn’t make exo planets useless. I’d much rather regen bomb an exo for special gleam in insane quantities than go buy sprays for it… fairly sure people already do that with rock and wood. We can tint rock and wood, so I don’t get the exo argument I always hear either. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Just my opinion.


Exactly. This is what I’ve been saying for a while now. People are holding onto color rarity and relying on exos to one day release the colors they want. There’s no skill/true gameplay involved in this and ultimately no feeling of satisfaction in regards to achievement.

Figuring out color combinations of goo/gleam to get pigments = some degree of skill and/or knowledge.

Waiting on an exo to drop = boring. And then what? We go regen farm with split screen accounts/autoclickers/sticking pennies in our controllers to hold down R2 and mass farm.

I say give us the colors in a way we can farm any color to our heart’s content and add in those true items of rarity to replace this color rarity. Whether that’s separate items like pets, decorations, or side materials required to craft new blocks. The world of boundless and color variety is too beautiful to limit builders this way.


I agree with your pros and cons but I’ll combat this con with typical MMO gameplay mechanics. For example, in other games top tier gear/crafting materials eventually become easier to obtain and lose value as time goes in. I don’t see it being any different in Boundless. I think it would help the game overall personally


Thanks for explaining, makes more sense to me now.

Exactly. It’s just progress. :slightly_smiling_face:

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No two people are ever going to agree on every topic that is up for debate in this thread, because no two people are the same, every single person wants something a little bit (or a lot) different from this game. The version of the game (the MMO version) is the game that you and I are playing right now, the blocks and colours available to you in this version of the game right now are your limits for building in this version of the game, accept it, deal with it, use what you have available.

There are people that enjoy the scarcity of this game, there are people that don’t. Some people love playing in the economy, others don’t. Some people believe goo farming is sustainable, others do not. And I’m sure I could go on and on and on and on with this list. There will always be rules and limitations and barriers holding you back in this game, there needs to be a carrot on a stick held out in front of a player, there needs to be a mystical and likely never to exist black gleam Exo out there somewhere, there needs to be a reason for players to strive to want more. This game is not just a building game, it is so much more than that.

Of course hings will change over time, I’m all for progress and I love how much more creative I can be than I could when I first started playing this game. Progress is always happening, you have new block colours available to you almost every single exo that appears. Maybe not the colours you’re wishing for but that’s just too bad, better luck next time, the gleam I want most hasn’t appeared for me either, but I’ll live another day I’m sure.

If you want unlimited access to every single colour and block in the game, if you don’t want limits on what is possible then be patient, it is coming, it is called creative mode. I truly look forward to seeing these builds that people currently cannot build due to the lack of colours available because I’ve seen some truly phenomenal works of art created already despite the “limits” put on them. Whatever masterpiece you have up your sleeves will surely blow my socks off.


Creative mode bro. I’ll see you there :blush:

I agree you are never going to get complete agreement on if the game mechanics are “good” or “bad”. Or even on a definition of what good and bad are. But I would suggest that the game inability to retain players and grow its player base despite continued sales on steam and a free weekend does lend some credence to the voices suggesting changes need to be made in order for the game to succeed. I do worry that a reliance on the creative mode as a way to get the dissatisfied players out of the live universe may not work in the games favor. If the game cannot draw in players as it is, and a meaningful portion of the existing player base moves off to a creative mode universe, then what is left? A smaller live universe? Even fewer players to engage in hunts, the economy, fewer planets? Will the growth (if there is any growth at all) come from the creative mode universe? Especially if it becomes possible to link the creative mode planets and play on them in a multiplayer mode?

Personally the more and more time consuming the game becomes and with the scarcity of colors, the more I am drawn to the idea of playing in the creative universe. Even if Wonderstruck is not hosting creative planets, maybe I can find a third party host like players use for Minecraft to host a few creative planets for friends to play Boundless on. Not sure if this is good for the game overall or not.


I have the answer to zero of these questions I’m afraid… I dont mean that as a sarcastic response either, I appreciate the response but i dont have the answer to these questions and I’m not going to pretend for even a second that I know what’s better for this game than the devs. They will have the facts and figures that we can only guess.

I love the game that is available to me now, flaws and all, so for now I’m going to just sit back, relax and play some boundless.


Your response is not sarcastic in the least. I think you are correct, that we are going to have to trust the developers to do what is right for the game.


Actually, when colors are repeated on an exo (as they have been many times), it’s not progress btw


How letting us be able to spray gleam will effect the game:

  1. economy will fluctuate temporarily to balance the surge in demand for related items (spray, tinting, goo farming items)

  2. Like being able to craft sand before it, the increase in color plaete will add more veriety to the communities tools and colors to make more varried builds.

  3. Certain colors of gleam (like black) will see a decrease in value and demand, but will still likely be sought after since the options of building with it are now within reach.

  4. Everything will balance out, people who have horded these rare items will be out some coin, but now player expression is more free and the game is that tiny bit less elitist and grindy.


You still have to harvest the goo to spray the gleam, its not like we can make spray paint out of non exo materials.

I don’t even buy spray paint because its too expensive for the single use you get out of a can.

If this was added i still wouldn’t buy spray paint because its too expensive for a single use, i would imagine the value would only go up if you could use it on more things.

In fact have a single can that just sits on a shelf because i was curious and guess what… everything i actually wanted to paint wasn’t a valid target…


I laughed but this is big sad


I know for a fact that players like me enjoy having to work for items to build something truly unique. It is way more rewarding for me that way. You diminish that fact I enjoy by making everything spray tint able. There’s a reason I enjoy this game more than Minecraft and that’s because certain things in this game are actually difficult to do and not everyone can do them. that is the premise of a lot of MMOs. Scores of players are driven by sometimes ridiculous feats that are considered by some ridiculous but that’s what drives them (think of in game achievements which almost every Console game and PC game now embraces which were completely almost nonexistent in 2000). You could be removing the carrot on the stick for these types of players. The current system of spray painting is actually a happy medium for players that just want to build and have available colors and people that want to have unique rare blocks in their build it’s a balance .

There are also a lot of people that have the mindset of they always want to do everything themselves and they cringe at the idea of buying a few pieces of gleam for 5000 coin. This is an MMO, you can’t have and do everything. Keep in mind that although it won’t stop people from going to EXOS it would decrease activity. I for one would have less motivation to go.

There are changes to be added to this game that 99% of the player base would like for instance, dungeons and Titans. Spray painting Gleam is a change that will be admired by let’s say for simplicity half the player base and the other half will not receive it well, myself included.

I know some people will say I’m wrong but I’m really only stating my position and the position of some of the other players that play this game.

Hope everyone is having a good hump day! Much love to all of you.


I like the fact they are considering this, yes gleambow gleam will be worth the same as regular gleam, but it will allow lower level players to acquire goo farms, and building creatively will be amazing with all the colors at your fingertips. I love this game because of all the colors, and I’ve been paying 5 to 10 thousand a piece for specific colors. Breaks my bank, would love to have the ability to paint gleam, and the economy would balance out.

Lower level players can acquire goo farms now…Spray painting gleam would make it easier yes but the absence of it doesn’t prevent.

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lol no i just don’t use those colors and don’t bother wasting my coin on those sprays or blocks.


I think anyone who has shares this attitude is not crafting tints, though.

Farming goo to spray paint something is still a lot of work to do anything of sizeable scale for a specific color; arguably more work on an aggregate respect than standing in one spot to regen farm. No offense to regen farming of course