How do I find creatures with santa hats

During the birthday event it seemed like creatures had birthday hats everywhere, but I haven’t found any creatures with Santa hats yet. Are they more rare or am I missing something?

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I am finding them all over but they are not all wearing them. See a decent amount on our t4 guild sovereign

If you see an area that is snowing you find them.


Best bet that I’ve seen is run around L1 / L2 planets for regions with snow happening. Look for the creature marks in the compass. I do find some in regions without snow coming down which is likely because the snow just ended.


I wasn’t there, but I heard people saying the T7 hunt the other day had good yield. I’ll be trying to join some non-snow meteor hunts to see if that has good yield.

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Yes like mentioned before they are (mostly) “bound” to locations where it is snowing.

You can find a random here or there but fitting the theme follow the snow… :wink:

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Just find pack of wildstocks In t1 Or t2. Usually At least 2 has those.

I find good amount In sochaltin.

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I hunted earlier today, regular hunt and those do drop santa mobs for the green canes , collected about 150 give or take tier 3 planet

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I’ve been playing with this a lot - I’m pretty sure there is an increased spawn rate in icy/snow biomes. Though as posts above say, could be the snow itself causing the increase, so still somewhat right, haha! (Those biomes have more snow, though I’ve seen big packs spawning without active snow in the area) :wink: They do spawn in other areas but rate seems lower.

I set up this planet to sort of test it more. It is off Circ, and a good hunting ground for any who want to use it. Check the two videos there, you’ll see what I mean on the spawns, was doing very well on the big ice crack biome here - [Hat Trick] --[T4 - Inhospitable Lush Sovereign World]-- [Active]

Another good spot is around the Skyrim portal, access at TNT Flan, running around there hunting was getting me a lot too.


Thanks all! Of course it would be in the snow, duh haha :facepalm:

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Can confirm snow biomes help. I usually get around 150-200 green canes per hunt, but a hunt on Alnitans(T5 chill) gave me a whopping 732 green canes from that 2 hour hunt alone. Felt like over half the meteor spawn mobs were wearing hats.


Thanks for confirming! :smiley: I’m trying something now, for any wanting to just hunt on the T1/T2s to keep an eye out for - just rolled another rental, a T1 taking Ice Crack alone at lv 4 and getting a few of the snowy ones at lv 3. Fingers crossed it generates with some larger areas of those… also of thinking of setting it up a little for snowball meteor hunting, but differently than the other I did.


grey circles for live creatures, black circles for dead ones.

Yellow for ones aggroed on other players, red flashing for one that’s alerted on you, full red for ones aggroed on you.


Meteors + snow biomes def a great way to farm the green canes! :grin:

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