How do you describe Boundless?

I never can find words to describe Boundless to my none gaming friends.

I just show them I take them to journey through the planets if they’re at my home or I pull out my phone and show the countless screenshots.

Let’s hear what you tell people.

Hoping back to relaying a floor.



Usually when trying to give a brief description to give an idea, I’ll say something like, picture an MMO Minecraft set in a universe a bit like No Man’s Sky, with many types of planets, and the most wonderful community ever. :slight_smile:

Edit: Haven’t really tried to explain it to non-gamers aside from my husband, I show him what everyone builds and he is very impressed. :smiley: (Though, he refers to it as “The Hammering Game” since he hears me mining so much in it :rofl: )


For non-gaming friends I seldom talk about gaming as the topic never comes up.

But if someone asked me about it … I tend to roll into simply saying its a better Minecraft or else I’d go into all of what Boundless is in a very detailed manner. I try to be avoid being too detailed unless its a fellow gamer.


I’m trying to get 2 of my friends in.

3 mid-age women with time on our hands the things we could build.



In this case, I’d focus on the community. :slight_smile: Maybe describe it as a 2nd life type of thing, another universe to escape into and explore, make your own goals, go at your own pace. For gaming newcomers, would probably put a focus on, “Hey, there is a lot to learn here but all the time in the world to do it. Just wander, meet people, relax and enjoy!”


Have they ever played Farmville, Minecraft, LBP, or anything similar?

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I giggle you say Second Life *cough I had the largest nightclub and owned a good amount of land and stock in the World called Second Life (PC only). I was a major builder and owner for so long in there lived, breathed, and almost died for Second Life.

Memory lane




What mid-age women didn’t get dragged into FarmVille and all its offshoots.



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Maybe let them know they can set up a nice little farm, build a little home, sell items they farm/craft to others (if they want to), there are social events, and the scenery is beautiful :heart_eyes:


You can be almost anything in Boundless! Builder, hunter, farmer, merchant…just not a Unicorn Dominatrix. Gotta stick with Second Life for that :wink:



But umm you can build things but keep behind locked doors, for the more sensitive and younger crowd.

Not that I’ve done that kind of thing.


Hoping away giggling


Tell them there is a whole social environment going on… and the community is awesome and very helpful and non-toxic. It’s all about finding something that clicks with them. You probably know them better than anyone find something they can relate to in the game and tell them about it.


I usually just say its a game where you collect stuff and build things there are a lot of worlds to collect different colors of building materials and you can freely travel to each by use of a :sparkle: magic :sparkle: doorway…

Show some screenshots shots…
And thats it…
No point in saying more as the non gaming peeps then still don’t know what im talking about and can read from their faces that they think im waisting my time…

My mom however talks along when i talk boundess she understands it :joy:
But she is more advanced as some non gaming peeps manly because she has 3 son’s (2 gamers the other son is debatable).:rofl:
But she is also a “gamer” makes :jigsaw: puzzles :jigsaw: on her laptop and plays :lollipop: candy :candy: crush games… still can’t figure out how to go to her hotmail tough :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


I’m lucky I saw the start of it all. Got into gaming a little late but my knowledge base and my I shoulda coulda lol.

I raised a semi-gamer till he found skating and girls but he now makes music for games, Youtube, and something else I can’t talk about yet.


He is on Spotify (proud momma)


You can tell me I won’t tell :grin: tell me tell me tell me

:pleading_face: tel me :pleading_face:


You can follow him on Spotify he may drop a hint there. I’m unsure when anything is going to happen the industry got hit hard by COVID. So until he calls I can’t say much.


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Just a little tip you must make sure then no one can bump warp (or regular warp) in to the room if there is a 2x3 space they can get in.

Oh I Know we tested it


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I look at it this way if they do anything shady and run their mouths, I can easily point out the door was locked they shouldn’t have been there, and if more is said things can be done but at end of the day it’s JUST A GAME and minors should be monitored by their own.


Hop hop


mmo minecraft with more things,
everything comes in 255 colors, including light ( make sure they heard the part about light),
every block can be re-shaped ( talk in length about all the shapes and possibilities, make sure to say that nature is chiselled too),
no difference in biomes, but big differences between planets.
very briefly mention that there’s no redstone
people are very friendly and helpful
resources are infinite
no pvp, your stuff is untouchable
it runs very smoothly
play it for several hours, so you know the game is good, and only then go to forums