How do you excavate with bombs?

Isn’t that more work in the end with cleaning up all the left over blocks? How do you place them in the correct position?


Bombs destroy blocks into oblivion there ain’t no blocks to clean up
Careful with bomb in base it will blow up and you’ll lose whatever blocks the bomb blew up

You kinda just wing it on blowing area up depending on the radius of the :bomb:


I make a 1x2 tunnel in the middle of a plot but at the top of it. Then get on my bomb character who doesn’t have permission. And go down the tunnel dropping bombs. Throw as many as you need to get down to your desired height. Then plot it with the character you want. When your done plotting. Throw a regen bombs to clean it all up.

I use forged topaz bombs with max range, damage and energy drain.
Depending on the tier planet. 1 bomb should clear 1 plot.

You will have to clear out liquids but it is way faster then mining out areas.


Bombs blow it out, regen blocks fill the unplotted voids. You build with squares, ye? Me too.


Thanks! Forged Topaz Bombs are indeed a game changer. :slight_smile:

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:grin: Glad it worked out for you. It’s so much faster that way. :beers:

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See that was my thoughts just destroy everything hen plot and regen

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Exactly. It’s the best. :ok_hand::ok_hand: