How do you feel about the future of Boundless?

I agree to be honest, The community is still mostly active. It’s been like six months since we heard anything (I haven’t been around so don’t hold me to that) as I already mentioned to others, I respect the fact they are working on Baldurs gate III but you could have made some kind of announcement. It really isn’t hard to make a post and quite frankly the players at least deserve that giving the hours and support that players have put in.


Don’t plan on closing what? I don’t understand. Thou my sleep deprivation might be kicking in.

seems to be your common issue lol when i look at your past messages.
anyhow the main concerns are the closure of the game what is not the case

I been disabled for 5 months, so yes its a common problem.

Um most people will still most likely play online still at least that is how I see it

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at least your not alone 75% of the boundless population is mentally too

most will

Heh, try for over a decade like me.

Anywhos, let’s not derail this.


lets all enjoy the nice weather :slight_smile:


a big pinned topic on the top of all the forums with a reply from devs on the state of game/ update would be greatly appreciated ( not just a reply in a thread, as it gets overlooked, has to be linked by other forum members and as a reassurance lasts 1-2 days before another doom poll is posted. (probably disable comments on it tho :D)

yes these gloomy posts are getting really annoying and do no good to the game and our general mood, but unfortunately they are more and more justified due to lack of such statement (or a statement of sufficient magnitude)


Hmm maybe it because we are the only people crazy enough to play this game because it’s a way to talk to people

Ps i am not making fun of disabilities I will delete this if people get offended by it

Whoah! This was not the intention, to have a doom and gloom topic!

The intention was to paint a picture (pie chart) of how people are feeling!


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Which would result in one of two things,
Panting a good picture
Painting a bad picture,

The 2nd seems to have happened. And people wanted to talk about it.

oh, it’s not as much this post, as what most posts turn into these days within minutes…

-testing 249: ‘‘will I loose half my plots ?!, pls respond :sob:’’
-what is your dream update? : ‘‘literally any update :sob:’’
-where is everyone ? hellooo ?: ‘’…’’
-do you like pie? (poll): ‘‘they are shutting it down, aren’t they… :sob:’’


i will just wait patiently before it gets a :lock: like how 99% of such threads turn out :stuck_out_tongue:

unless people start to respect it and give it a break at some point to breath in and out

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The picture is neither good or bad - just a picture


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Seems right small portion is hopeful but most are just neutral which makes me happy better than hopeless

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i voted neutral

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I tend to consider Neutral to being not so good. but that is just me. I am quite critical at times.

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I voted “Hopeful” :slight_smile:


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Same I’m new I like it so meh