How do you use the warp conduits? my home was on test 1 before the newer things got put in, are those homes still there or was there a wipe? also ive seen people mention there coordinates…how does one find those lol
You can craft warp conduits using rocks and timber. Once you have 2 of them you can stack one on top of the other and they should then be able to be interacted with by facing them and hitting e. This will bring up a list of your saved locations on other worlds and you can warp to one of them for 500 coin. If you don’t have any saved locations on other worlds you’ll need to craft the totem upgrade and shoot it at the planets in the sky. (This takes a while to get to as you need gold alloy and spark)
I believe the world were reset because they deployed their first pass at earth like starter planets.
You can check your location by either going into you inventory and navigating to the locations tab or you can turn on debug mode by pressing “.” and you’ll see your current camera position in there on the left hand side somewhere.
awesome! thank you so much
So Ive used a warp conduit, it was pretty cool, but what about portals, have those been found yet?
i think james said that in order to create portal you need to warp to planet in order to create portal in there so you need 4 warp conduits, 2 to put on spot where you warp to planet and 2 to where you put portal back to warping location so you need 4 totem ammos too, i quess. Hope you understand this XD
I don’t think you’d need 4 warp ammo since once you have a warp location it’s saved until you delete it. You should just need 1 + a saved location. I think he’s referring to the permanent portals though and not the temporary warps? I don’t think the materials to make those are in the game yet? Could be wrong on this one though.
Portals are not in game yet
They used to be before this update O.o
Okay found what have to do:
So i was right you need 4x warp conduits and location markers in order to create perma portal
But not sure do you need only 1 or 2 totem ammos.
that post you linked theyre still 1 way warps and not permanent portals, you need 4 x warp conduit to travell next world and back but its still only 1 way and you need always to create it again in order to travel between worlds. Portals are different and they are permanent and can be travelled freely
That is reason why you are able to craft location marker in locations inventory tab
oh… I only placed one @_@
I’m also stuck in a lava cave about a thousand blocks under, and my hammer broke. RIP
I will come and save you. Hold on…
xD wow! So quick.
Are you online? and you user name in the game is Meowmere?
yep and yep.
Which world?
pretty sure its testus 1, the world name began with an S
US1 is Tel II
yep, I had no idea. I warped to another planet for a brief minute, breath taking.
Help! I am stuck. I do not know how to warp to my beacon. I have tried stacking wrap condults one top of each other but it does not turn into a warp portal as mentioned above and I have use location markers from my inventory with no effect from clicking ‘use’.
I just want to get back to my beacon.
And how can i set respawn location?