There are many Parallel universes in the game and World generating in it so we has here an old Minecraft problem too ?
Here are the problems we know or dont know.
when an world has many players and they get away from the start spawn the come to an point where the world generate a new part of itself
the data for the whole map/world grows and the server must provide more performance to an point whre the loading of an world cost very much time or
the playing on an server is very performance intensive.
In Minecraft we had an odd solution for it… we use an plugin to make an invisible wall around an specific area… but after an time the area inside this wall has no recources and no place to build or explore anymore…
so the must restart the server with an new map…
An another problem was,new resources that came in with an patch for Minecraft only shows up when an new part of the map
has generate… it dont shows up in an old generate part of an map.So we MUST generate an new “chunk” or make also an refresh of the world.
So here are my questions:
1.How do you mange that the world get bigger an the server need more performance or storage for it ? (sorry when i dont know that the world are pre generated an limited in their numbers)
2.Does all important resources regrow or can you transmutate important resources from normal ones with an special tool ?
The worlds have finite size (4096x4096 blocks for the current alpha worlds, this might change until the 1,0 release). But worlds will “wrap”, meaning that if you constantly run left you will end up at the place you started from (just like in Pacman). so you don´t have to be afraid of hitting any artificial invisible walls.
That´s the plan The unprotected areas of a world will regrow into their original state (with ressources being distributed slightly different each time to prevent “ore-camping”).
the problem with pint 1 is
that dont pretend the server from infinity portals to another 4096x4096 worlds
so the world are round (small planets) but there are many parallel universes
and thats the same as one big world that is infinity i think
problem with point 2 is
when i build structures in the wild to dig somewhere and find resources does that mean that the world around me grows so that my structures get slowly underground or destroyed ?
or must i build many beacons to prevent that and does that mean when i build beacons at some places that there dont grow anything ? (you see that system is an black and white system with no gray scales right ?)
The pool of worlds you can teleport to is also finite.
The worlds are not actually round (neither is the Pacman map) so digging down would still lead you to a layer of “bedrock”.
Exactly, but this process will happen in a slow pace and most likely also not while a player is nearby.
You also got that right. Everything you want to exclude from the regenerating process has to be inside a beacon (don´t worry, you´ll have plenty of them). Everything inside of said beacon will probably behave similar to a standard Minecraft world (everything you place/alter stays in place indefinitely) while everything outside of a beacon suffers from the regeneration process.
The initial answers I gave you are based on actual developer statements / devlogs and not my suggested solutions
I think you misinterpreted the gif that @vastar linked to- the world does not “grow” around you, but rather reverts to it’s natural state. In the gif shown, a mountain was first generated, then destroyed, then regenerated over several hours back to it’s natural state. So the area around your home (outside of beacon protection) should remain exactly as it was when you first discovered it.