How long can you hold on for Update 249?

@Goblinounours is correct. If I am honest there are times when I am in Boundless where I have to come up with some personal goals or something new to do. It is the nature of sandbox games. It’s a blessing and a curse…if you give someone a lot of freedom in a game at times they lack the enthusiasm or the creativity or just the will to create or do something on their own.

Think about World of Warcraft. For the most part it is.pretty linear get to max level to do end game. This is the end game for most people as it’s the most logical path that the game has created for you to say you have completed most of the game.

In a sandbox you have to create your own goals, but in the end games just become boring and stale over time. If they didn’t I’d be back playing games I did long ago like Mortal Kombat, Mario Brothers or Tecno Bowl.

Point is no matter what game you play over time you will become bored it’s sad I know but that bored may take 20 days or 20 years and it varies for us all.

Boundless is fun …but as a realist it’s time will come much like the thousands of games I have played I the past and the thousands I will play in the future.

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Unsure if I’m going to re-settle my lost lands, but we’ll see what happens here. For now, I’ll see how long my few fuel blocks last me.

Gonna be honest, right about now, WoW is not a hot name for me. ^^
BUT I do remember how incredibly more enthusiast I was back in the Legion expansion where I found out I could mod some things. And I’m not talking about UI addons, but really about using an alternate executable file to load and replace some assets with customized models and textures.
Back then, we were roughly 3 years away from orcs having tattoos, and the ones we got in the Shadowlands expansion are not exactly what I would’ve wanted…

The BOOST of energy and desire to play the game I felt when I was allowed to make my own stuff… it was like re-discovering the game all over again, 11 years after I started playing. I was tinkering HARD.

I was starting to remake old sets/items in HD…

Then Blizzard smashed the hammer on that part of the community because it was a method also used by a-holes to cheat and get gameplay-advantages… < sigh >
And then… things got worse and worse until… well… now.

STILL. If Wonderstruck had given us ways to do that sort of stuff… OH BOY I would’ve gone to town on Boundless! Would’ve made the whole catalogue of Minyi pending concepts myself, for free!
Buuut alas…


Check out Kenshi (single player). They developed a modding tool first that they built the whole world with so it’s super easy to change and add anything you want. I’ve been playing it since 2011.

Perhaps I missed it, and I apologize for necroing this thread. I recall there was an internal coding issue with 249. I remember when it was roughly 30 days from test server to live implementation. I took a year break, and came back when 249 had just hit test, and was so excited to be able to spend all my skill points on all my skill pages. As time went on with no release, we begged for at least that portion to go live, even if we didn’t get swords and shields (which underperformed on test anyways…).

I was explicitly told that it was a package deal, and couldn’t be released as a standalone feature. I don’t expect a different answer now, but it’s worth asking @Tiggs if this is something that may be able to be fast-tracked, since the roots of it are already in place on test. The ability to use all those skill points on every page is a gamechanger in all the best ways! It’s all I want for Christmas :christmas_tree: :grin:

We’ve discussed it internally and since we don’t have a team yet, it’s not going to be arriving anytime soon. Monty and I have both been very up front with we don’t expect any progress for at least a year if not longer.


Fair enough, ty for the timely response :+1:

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Do you really think there will ever be another update?

Well I mean, I stopped believing in Santa Claus, Easter bunnies, unicorns or miracles at the age of 5.

Do you really think so? Or are you just hoping / dreaming?

I mean, stay realistic. - How often did updates come before? - How long hasn’t there been one?

And hey Boundless is a great game the way it is.

This comment makes me equally sad and happy at the same time. Sad we won’t see anything new for a while but happy we have new owners that don’t want to rush for the sake of a few coins.


It was looking not so good for a while, but now that it’s in new hands, I would have a hard time believing they would buy an IP just to sit on it and do nothing :thinking:

I started at PS launch, September 2017. IIRC, we got new content fairly frequently. Guilds, farms, placable liquids…not every one was huge, but they were pretty regular. As for how long, I came back about 2 years ago, and 249 had been fairly recently announced…