How to make money?

You can code that in Qt. It used to be GUI cross-platform only but for a very long time now they support all kinds of non-UI related OS functions in a cross platform way including networking…

Check out The Golden Fist shop (Grovidias Te Portal Seekers, Ultima Shopping Hub). All of our request baskets are front and center and we keep their budgets topped off, usually ready to buy a few thousand of each item (couple hundo thou $$ overall)

Be Aware: Shop data may be inaccurate or stale. Please do not take the information in the orders as 100% truth. Shop order information is provided for guidance only.

As for those three links I can with 100% certainty tell anyone here that NOT ALL request baskets are in there even tho they scanned the area so you might actually not get the best deal. Take it as a price indicator but nothing else, which is what the site even tells you to do!

it already says that at the bottom of the linked pages.


I know, but many people don’t seem to realise it :wink:

Do you really feel the need to necro a week old thread just for the purposes of telling OP something already stated on the website?

Like, I appreciate your enthusiasm but OP probably doesn’t even care about the website anyway, let alone if its accurate or not.


I think that’s debatable


You for real lol worst advice ever going lower then no money :joy:

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@majorvex looks like a bot/AI?

Yep this one too.


This post is almost 5 years old. A lot of the people commenting on this thread don’t even play anymore. :man_facepalming:

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