How to make Regen Farms 'better'?

I’m not sure this is possible. I think regen always pushes you to the top, so if there is a ceiling, you have to stand outside and throw the bomb in. At least from what I can tell.

if a block appears in the same space as the player, player is moved directly above the highest solid block or mesh

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Do you happen to know what causes horizontal movement on regen? My vertical wood regen farm pushes sideways before you get to the top for some reason.

I’m not sure about how precise your theory may be. I’ve tried to regen myself from mantle up to the top of a mountain and wound up in a cave partway up. and i have a regen farm where i just plotted upwards to leave a large pace very clear before putting a ceiling at the top. and when i regen there, i wind up inside my plotted area, on top of the unplotted farming spot, and still under my ceiling. also sometimes if you regen it moves you sideways instead of up.

I thought regen will pop you into the first warp accessible space (3-4 blocks high) above you?

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That was changed to in front of you. I read somewhere in the forum about it.


I could be entirely wrong of course, thought it does the same thing as when a block appears in your face (the Ovis elevator (for which this is the rule (+ additional condition: it has to be impossible to freely move sideways)))

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All great insights, cheers all :slight_smile:

@apt yeh you’re right, I believe the rule is (according to my bumper) if you can’t be moved 2 blocks clear horizontally or vertically, you’ll be bumper directly to the top. Some designs in testing did move me sideways a block or two, but that was prevented by just adding a block in that area

I also doubt the rule is different for regening compared to my surface bumper

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Ovis, related to your bumper, I have had gleam from underwater formations that I was hitting not only teleport to the surface but a platform above the water gleam spot at 255. Maybe future idea for ya.

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I few things can cause this. From what I found it’s

  1. Depth of how far you swing down into the tree, I usually will not go beyond 13-15 swings down.

  2. Formation of the tree it’s self. If there is a rather thin section of the tree it will cause issues with being bumped to the top.

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Could have sworn it just got changed slightly recently to push to the side like that. Wanna say @lucadeltodecso said something about it.

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I know warps and warp bumps were changed this way, as it messed up my home beacon location. I had blocks set vertically above my beacon to push me up one floor from the beacon.

I think with regen you still go straight up, but some things make you go sideways first apparently.

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Yea maybe it was just warps i was thinking of then. :sweat_smile: tho I know one of the times I was gleamball farming I got pushed sideways instead of up.

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Yeh it works the same with items as it does players, haven’t found a use for it yet. But it is something that I have to ‘deal’ with when sing the Mass Stone Generator lol

Alright, I implemented your ideas into my farm.

I hope everyone feels sufficiently inspired. I expect at least a 20% increase in efficiency.


Hmmm I dunno that last one could be a compliment or a well placed dig :joy:

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I know I for one love the regen farms that have the tool for sale or at least a region bomb because if I’m really on a roll then sometimes my own break and then I have to go back home and then I have to try to find the farm again

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Any hints on where there might be a good T6 foliage farms set up?

I’m gonna scout around now, but just in case someone knows.

@fidach We have one on Norkyna located at TNT Norkyna Hub. Norkyna has the better sized foliage clusters over water.

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