How to make the snow disappear

Dont censor the snow! Global warming is bad enough!


Aw thanks :slight_smile: I’d love to but I couldn’t promise any sort of time scale.
I’ve had around 2 hours play time this week :frowning_face: I’ve neglected hunting and my oort supply is scarily low!

If i get some proper game time I’ll definitely be up for it though and will certainly let you know!
I could recommend @Mittekemuis for gardening too!

Sea levels expected to rise 3 plots on Houchus in the next two hundred years!


I agree that it does but when building that is not always what we want!

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Lol you didnt knew that?

I like snow… weather effects in general… even when im building ^^

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Weather varies by location, but yes someone standing next to you will have the same day-time (ignoring tutorial with fixed day), the same clouds, and the same weather systems playing with the same proportions and strengths etc.


I agree with you, I like the weather too. Would actually like the occasional damaging storm… even if it only left cracks in your building blocks. I’d especially love to have rolling thunder and crashing and flashing lighting in ominous cloud systems that you can watch approach through the mountains and over the lakes and pass overhead followed by the contrast of a clear sky behind it.

That’s awesome :smiley:

Some more details we shared in the past:


Crazy how much those weather maps look like real RADAR footage.

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ow i mittekemuis i would not ask talked to her last week pretty full agenda
also dont worry the singlr aqua rule is never rush (reason we survived so long) so you golden if you do it 3years later we stil be happy :smiley: