How would looting work?

Yes. that’s the meaning, lets say there actually is crafting progression the way i suggested so many times other places, the more you use it the better you are. lets say there drops a gem which is only used in mastery 225 - 250 jewelcrafting, then that jewelcrafter will need on the gem and use it to sell it, but if a person with 0 jewelcrafting needs on it he will get it but not be able to use it for anything, thats the point :smile:

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They don’t have to be in oort and they don’t have to be loot of enemies … there is still plenty of stuff found burried underground :wink: … but sure: If there is a rare token or ingredient that a boss can drop let the people roll for it (and then only build something for their own with it when they take “need”, not sell the stuff)

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yeah ofc, anything that can be harvested is first come first serve in most cases, this is purely from drops. if an enemy drops a rare gem then it should be rolled on.

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Why wouldn’t you be able to sell it? If you get lucky and get the winning roll, you should have the FREEDOM OF CHOICE to do with it as you wish without the game forcing you to keep it…

let me sum it up simply. this is an extention of the basic roll system, which consists of 3 options.


Need is for when you need the item, which is why it should be bound, because if you need the item it doesnt matter

Greed Is for when you kinda want the item but for selling and dont really need it

Pass is if you dont want the item.

the highest roller of those who roll need will win the item, if there is nobody who rolls need for the item, the highest roll of greed will win the item. need should only be used for things like a weapon i need, or a material i need, if you arent going to use it yourself then dont roll need. its a way to prevent ninjalooting.

if you ninjaloot then you are just a troll and everybody will hate you.

Meh. Sounds way too involved for a sandbox/creative game. I understand some people like grind-fests, but if I wanted a grinding game I’d go back to Fiesta or GWO. As to ninjaloot I said in an earlier post - instanced for boss/Titan loot, bound timer for others.

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this is about a roll system, your argument to everything seems to be ‘‘i dont want it limited’’ i can only suggest you go play mortal online, quite cool game, no real limitations in that sense :smile:

also why is it a grindfest that a boos would rop 1 rare item that people would need to roll about? thats illogical.

Yes, that will continue to be my perspective on everything. I’m $95 into this game already, I don’t think I’ll switch to Mortal Online quite yet thanks. If the devs implement a roll system that’s fine. I can see bosses turning into a grind fest because everyone always “needs” the rare drops! Even if I don’t need it, I still “need” it!

thats the point of binding the need rolls to the character so people who need it are either

  1. people who need it
  2. trolls

cause even the ninjalooters wont get anything from need rolling on it.

I concede your point. Well put.

but yeah that is the problem in most games… ninjalooters -.-’

My vote is on the minecraft style looting when it comes to mining, or rather a “direct vacuum” when breaking a block but with no “loot ui”. First person to start breaking the block gets the material automatically, preferably with some sound and a little visual to show that you did infact “loot”, perhaps a popup-list with a miniature icon and text, eg. [3x gold ore]

As for killing an enemy I’d like a loot ui / menu. With “aoe”-loot for when you clear out a pen with animals or a bigger number of mobs.
For grouping I want the wow style, for normal items it’s one turn each to loot and when someone finds a better quality item, need/greed/pass-system. Rare materials from drops would be only greed or pass otherwise it’ll be some people saying it’s greed on such items and others saying it’s need.
Probably would be a good idea with loot settings too, free-for-all loot for those times when you’re just in a party to chat.

+1 vote for the idea of items won on needrolls being “soulbound”, will probably help atleast a little with ninjas otherwise claiming to “need for bla bla” only to then sell it “because bla bla”.

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How about if someone ninja loots your stuff, you just kill them?

Ehm not all worlds are going to be PvP?

Ha @Zouls ninja’d :slight_smile:

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not going to be pvp on every world.

Right forgot that XD
Been playing too much minecraft last couple days.

But apart from some rare cases such as bosses and monsters that visually have a weapon/armor, I would prefer most monster drops be in the form of a skill (skinning, cutting meat, etc)


jep, that is also an option, but it will have to be a topic later if we and the devs see where the game is heading. Skills for skinning and co are cool, but may be it would be “to much” to respect that ingame as well. I like such skills and the use of them, but if Oort will be happy without them I will be fine with it :wink:

You can also just have mobs that offer EXP for killing and carcass for meat and skins… Things that you can drop and or sell (blocks) will be harvested by breaking the block and you get it automaticly… All the good stuff that cannot be dropped (Rare gems) can be found in treasure chests inside temples… Some will depend on your lockpick skill to open and some will be mimics trying to eat you… They can spawn in random rooms with creatures and a random treasure inside. Get something you don’t need? Offer it to a friend who does or sell it.