HUGE prestige loss overnight

Wondering what happened, but I lost about half a million prestige overnight. Nothing changed while I was sleeping, so what is going on?! Our settlement was about 500k ahead of the other that is attached, and now we are 130k behind. My son lost about 100k and I am not sure about the rest of our group. I’m on PS4 and based on Beckon. Can anyone tell me what happened? Tyvm!!! <3

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compactness update gotcha


This is over-simplifying the new compactness requirements, but essentially they want us to make our places more compact/dense. They don’t want us to sprawl out with big empty spaces inbetween. If you look in your beacon, you will see a compactness score now.

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System is like T7 hammer in your face. :slight_smile:
It control the way to build. and killed a little bit of freedom.
Every good update has a bad part that’s make me sad


People already explained on top, but you should look at the plots and see if there any wholes in the plots, if there a long road that’s has one or two rows of plots you probably want to remove it or add more rows, up to 4 to 5 rows, if an area of the plots are to skinny add more plots or move some around, anything that helps compactness is to reduce the amount of reserved areas.

While “square” is the baseline, it does not have to be square to be within limits. Our VB area on Lasaina looks like the pic below and is fine within the compactness guidelines.

You can check your planet on and find your area to see what might be causing you issues (will not be in blue if its “bad”)

I will update the maps when I get a chance to show everyone how the worlds looks at the update.


Thank you all for all the help. My beacon says 49 for compactness and (good) next to it. I added some plots I didnt even want to connect a road better and thought that would fix it but it didnt, still missing all that prestige. The “holes” in my plots are water though. Am I going to have to fill in every spot on the grid and buy those water plots even though I dont need or want them?

If it says good, you should not be missing prestige.

Is there a message on the Beacon Control overview panel? This will explain what the issue is.

What if he has multiple beacons?

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I’m assuming there is a road making the beacon split and bridge.

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Or buy plots and plot so many thats your street is a square. I will not change something so I will reserve more than before its easier

But Compactness isn’t the issue here.

If you could take a pic of the plots so people could see and possibly help you out better

No messages in the beacon overview, James. If it’s not compactness, how could this happen? Lol I’m lost

If it’s not compactness than it’s possible that it’s bridging, could you open your plot map, and walk over the plots, tell us what color it’s showing, red, or maybe blue/purple,

Going to try sharing my plot pics, sec