First, credit to @GrayFrequency here on this, wouldn’t have seen the Tweet if not for her!
Second - Wow! Am I reading this right on the price and/or is there a catch to Humble Bundle (I’m not familiar with it)? $10 for all those games including Boundless? Well, that is what it is… spread the word!
Perfect - great opportunity and time to get the word out!
Really, lot of people probably looking for a great escape like Boundless, and good deals. Good time to draw some new folks, especially with the beacon change so close.
@Lorgar - Thanks!! Great to know, I think I need to start following them!
Thanks, so so happy you did, and totally agreed!! Seriously, I was telling someone just a little bit ago elsewhere that we are in a perfect window for a good sale (edit: not to make light of the situation causing it of course, but people are playing a lot right now), which would also give a good chance to spread the word on social media. Games are the big escape right now… and truly can’t think of a better one to escape into!
Knowing previous bundles there are usually 20k - 100k bundles sold.
Not everyone gets the highest tier but there will be many Boundless keys out there.
When enough try Boundless we may even see new permanent worlds.
Just dreaming but clearly excited.
Oh yeah, would love to see some new permanents! This really is quite a deal - and benefits charity too!
I’ll get the link on the Reddit. On Twitter, luckily a bunch of active folks - great screenshots and videos and chat, in case people start searching there, that is all good stuff to see if they’re thinking of firing it up.
Also have to assume we may see new folks here too - to any who may be stopping in, welcome!
Humble bundle is great!! Been signed up with them for a couple years now. They give you like $150 in games each month for $12/month in the humble monthly. Pretty much pick 7-10 games you want each month from the list of games they give you to choose from. Activate keys through steam.
I’ve got some pretty insane games from their monthly bundle for damn near free. Definitely worth getting if you like a wide variety of games. Hence why my steam library is 500+ games deep.
Oh yeah! Looking at the Steam chart, comparing it to right around this time yesterday, looks like around a 50% increase or so?
Hmm, I’ll try to keep a closer eye on the game chat - great with the notifications now that, that is a huge benefit with newcomers entering. Easier to ask right then if a stumbling block is hit.