Hunt Leader Strategies - Question for the next Day

Good idea!
Oh another suggestion is if you are ps4, buy a keyboard; also, bring a friend with a PC and meteor mod to do meteor spotting

They really need to add meteor mod to PS4, it’s really unfair… I don’t hunt really so it doesn’t affect me, but I think it’s unfair to leave unaddressed for so long.


I can’t believe I didn’t say that! Lol… it would be really difficult to lead a big hunt without a keyboard… a mic is super helpful when learning how to lead a big hunt, but after you learn the ropes it’s not needed…


-Use atlas to trigger meteors
-Use clear communication
-Make sure before the hunt that everyone actually knows what to do(if theres some newbies)

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i strongly dissagree… Go west is my motto…
Be sure you are all in voice. and when walking rest sing together the pet shop boys - go west!

♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ ♪♪♪
(Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we’re gonna do
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪

well when i was hunting. or followed a hunter i always tries to pair up. so that when some people are behind. i can be informed or inform the leader.

But a great hunt leader. is someone that hunts frequently on the same time. so that people are aware when there is a hunt going on.
A great hunt leader doesnt mind the size of the group. small hunts or big hunts can be both fun ! and it rewards anyway

a great hunt is prepared with heals, gear and revive brews. informs people and show them the tips. im for building towers because if the what weaker players hang there. they are safe from wildstock. i think they are one of the most accountable of unneccesary deaths. because when wildstocks chase someone… everyone in the way is harmed


@Bethlehem - west is best!

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East is least.


Hey hey East #1

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East is least. It rhymes so it must be true.


East the Beast!


Is it true that if your hunt party run on the spot, they can make the planet surface move like a treadmill and bring all the meteors to them without having to actually travel?

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i cant say if that is true…
but when i hunt with the elites of my gang… we make a ritual to summon the titan.
This includes making a cross from center 12 blocks away in all directions. N-E-S-W. and then do the mexican wave towards the cross. and run away.
this has to be precise timed with the right amount of people.
i keep futher more classifield since this is highly rewarding compared to any other hunts and will solve the oort problem… giving me less income :confused:


Damn. Now I don’t know what to think.


West the best !


does anybody go South?..

‘dodges popcorn’

What kind of building have you seen as a hunt leader? Such as something people have built specifically for addressing the meteor. Anything besides Tall towers to grapple from?

Isn’t south the same as north at some point?

and West is just East in a different order… like tsae…