Hunt Leaders - Big Thanks!

I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of the hunt leaders out there. It’s pretty great that even with the smaller population the hunts are still happening and are very successful.

Big shoutout to the following (sorry if I missed anyone!):


I’ve been on a few different hunts recently and they’ve all been great. As much as I miss the days of 60 players on a hunt, I’m also enjoying smaller numbers, because the large groups always attracted trolls and drama. A smaller community seems to be, in general, a more agreeable one.

Thanks to the hunt leaders for providing a great service and helping maintain our community’s togetherness.


Appreciate you chiming in on this.


It’s always been a pleasure :pray: Thanks for the mention.
For me the real stars & heroes are everyone that turns up for the hunts. We just guide everyone. The people that show up and take part are what gets us the loot efficiently. We make sure it runs smoothly. I’m always forever grateful and thankful for everyone that’s ever showed up to the hunts
I love hunting so much. Whether it’s a large or small group you can get so much and have a blast along the way.


Thanks for the shout out, @Redlotus :heartpulse: I lead because someone must. Plus I need the loot!

I totally agree with Hazel1558 … A hunt is made better by folks showing up and following along with the leader. :heartpulse: I have a blast running around with the folks who come along. Huge shout out to the folks who generally show up at my US Evening/Night hunt. YOU are the true heroes, smashing mobs, catching meteors, meep meeping, rezing friends, laughing, poking fun and just being great company.

A shout to the hunters… Including Redlotus! Also an apology that I could only mention 10 people in a post and if I missed anyone, my apologies :heartpulse:


I am grateful and you are appreciated!



I agree :100:
I don’t run hunts it’s much. But it’s true it makes it a real hunt with people. And I love it when I am in @Chicula, @Hazel1558, @Wondernut and a few others when I can. I love the jokes and to be honest I don’t like hunting as I use to. But the talking and jokes makes me not want to leave the hunt :joy: love you all who host the hunts. I tryed to start a weekly hunt… But wow you don’t realize how hard it can be for some people till you do it. And I am one of those who can’t keep up with that weekly. So thank you for letting me tag along :people_hugging:


thank you for putting up wit me being always behind :wink: