Hunter's Highway

Dear Forum,

Hunter’s Highway is looking for a caretaker to claim ownership and responsibility for the Hunter’s Highway Portal Network. In normal circumstances I would dismantle the most valuable materials and allow the world regeneration to claim the rest, however, there are players that use, perhaps rely on this network.

I have thought about buying the rough oortstone to maintain the link; however, as oort requires coal to extract, it still requires an active member of the game to upkeep a network of this type.

I can no longer be an active member of the game as real life has taken precedence with priorities that require daily attention.

Since the devs have nerfed the output of meteorite loot in a previous update, community hunts have reduced in their frequency with the amount of attendees declining as well. As I am Australian this effects me a great deal, as those hunts that are available interfere with my work schedule. Extracting oort also requires either coinage or time spent in a mine which means more time on the game that I can’t afford.

Following, is some information regarding the Hunter’s Highway Network. If you are interested, I can be contacted on discord. The username is “TPranara#6253”. I don’t wish to split up the network to fill in the holes that other people may have in theirs. I am not interested in giving people the opportunity to loot the portal conduit blocks and fuel for their own use.



So it looks like 27 portals to fuel?

I’m what one calls midgrade. I’ve played over a thousand hours, but am by no means enriched in material wealth as a lot of the even older timers. I may be interested, but I have to calculate what I have in my stocks of oort to see if I can afford it.

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I don’t think it is 27. When I do a refueling cycle, I am not using 27 stacks of oort, That I know. But I actually haven’t counted the ‘pairs’. As you only fuel one side of a pair, not both. 14 stacks might do it, as I remembered that I have to subtract my private portals from the equation as when I was doing a refuel cycle I was carrying oort for those as well, but they can be safe to close, as they are not part of the network. The catacombs portal on the outside of the Andooweem Hub can be closed as well as that was just a quick access to the catacombs for me as that was my home. So the 5.6 weekly cost to maintain should be around 12 or 13 smart stacks of oort.

Please note, as I never allowed the fuel to expire in the hub during the updates where the Boundless Universe was changed, it is still based off of the old planetary topology. Hunter’s Highway may be the only hub left in existence that didn’t change it’s routes to suit the new topology. So long as the portals are not left to expire, the costs should remain at 1 oort per hour, so long as the devs don’t intervene in the future. If the portals do expire, I have my doubts that you will be able to reopen the portals, as planetary distance, portal size and fuel costs will then become an issue.