I am sorry but I am letting my world go

Please forgive me but… I have had to make a hard decision… I will have to let (Phantom World :rose:) the world has 1 week and 5 days… I promise it is not because of i am done or anything… just things are going on right now in real life and I need to cut back on a few things… and trust me when I say this is not easy for me to say I am letting my world go. (Please don’t be mad at me) But please feel free to farm on it and do what ever you want :heart: again I am sorry. :disappointed:


I meant to specify. I am letting my sovereign world go… NOT phantom of the opera on Lutrion… only my sovereign world (Phantom world :rose:)


I am so sorry I didn’t mean for people to think my opera house build is going poof. I meant my sovereign world … sorry for the confusion… I would never ash my opera house… If it ashes that means I am dead or game shut down… I am not letting my baby go and I will always play. But thank you all for the kind words and your worry about me… And yes… I am dealing with a lot in real life and thank you for your worry’s but I am ok.:heart: but no I am not going anywhere and the opera house is still here to stay :rose::heart: I just ment my sovereign world I promise :heart:


I am really choked up for words…

Thank you for so many kind words and your concerns on me :sparkling_heart: thank you so much for the 3 month beacon fuel. That was very unexpected. And I just want to make it clear I only made this post in the first place because I thought it was only right since I have beacons on my world and would hate for people to think anyone was kicked or could not get to my world out of the blue. So my world has 18 weeks now. And truly… thank you. Thank you so much.


Isn’t it amazing how loyal the remaining folks are to this game? If it ever shuts down I hope that they make it open source so that others could keep the servers going. I have seen so many amazing structures turn to ash. All of the “neighbors” that I had on Gellis are gone. My little Moss Shire is once again a lone outpost.


Yup a great community. I have seen many structures come and go and there are new ones each day. Sadly, a game just becomes boring after playing it many, many hours every day.


before reclaim existed your build just kept existing for a while unplotted and it was quit fun running around the world looting these places our plotting them
butt like everything nowadays it had to stop cuase 1procent off people did not like that now imagine you can turn this on as an option people then again could reclaim it our raid it when they stumble upon these builds
i really loved that before they stopped it


I explored more and played more hunting for those decayed builds. In my opinion when someone quit or let a build decay and someone scooped it up then the items were repurposed. The problem was squeaky wheel gets the oil. Those that didn’t like the decay or had something of theirs decay were quite “squeaky”