i cnat see eny picture at all on this forum eny more it just say cannot view picture or something like that is this a bug or something?
It’s because many of the images were uploaded when the forums pointed to forum.oortinline.com which been discontinued.
The images still exist on the server, but they’re just not accessible through that domain name.
Anyone that has a post (whether old or new) should be able to go back into it and edit the image links by changing the “oortonline” to “playboundless”, but that would be up to individual users to do (unless an admin wants to go into each post to update them!).
Edit: by the looks of it, many of the older links referencing other parts of the forum have the same issue.
Can you link to an example post with broken images?
Thanks! We thought we had something in place to make these work - after the domain change - but clearly not. We’ll take a look and get it fixed.
thanks mate
Hmmm - there is a “Rebuild HTML” action (possibly only available to admins) that corrects the issue. But I’m not sure this is a scalable solution given the 1000s of potentially broken posts.
but just a week or two ago i coulde see pictures
I’m not sure that is the function you actually want. There is a subject on the discourse forums which details changing domains and how to covert old posts to the new domain name. I’ll pm you the details…
Pm me as well and I may be able to help repair a few.
It was a server side command that needs to be run
Fingers cross but everything should be fixed. Please let me know if you spot anything else.
For anyone interested, when we moved domain we setup permanent redirect rules to map oortonline.com and forum.oortonline.com to their new homes. However, at some point the IP address of the mapping of the forum redirect became incorrect. We’ve fixed this redirect now. There is an additional step we could have taken to regenerate the cached forum pages (which contained links to old forum.oortonline.com referenced images) but this wouldn’t have been sufficient to correct links outside of the forum (for example a tweet link to an image which we’ve done in the past).
Thanks to everyone who offered technical support - we didn’t realise how many server admins are out there!
Is your english a second language… jw
All seems to be ok now and always happy to help
haha everything works perfect now thanks mate