I found out that making a new character and level that up is an sort of easy way to get coins

So say I make and level up 10 characters for “easy” 6000 coins each relatively easy, I made ~6000 leveling up my second character playing like 10 hours or so, because I already had a main that could lend it materials and weapons and food etc). So that’s 60K coins for those 10 characters. For someone that has just started out playing a few days ago I would say this coin income feels quite good, and not least EASY to get, but maybe not so much for someone playing for longer, established in trading, cities etc.

Is it possible to delete a character and then make a new one to level up and keep harvesting coins like that? Or is that only possible to do once per each of the 10 character slots?

It’s a solid way to get a few coins if you don’t have many resources or don’t know how to navigate the request baskets, but once you know your way around, there are much faster and easier ways to earn coin. Tag a long on a hunt for an hour and you’ll probably have over 15,000c worth of oort and that doesn’t include the animal drops.

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Vets have been doing this since … well before I started playing.

You can delete alts after you get the money to your main and make new chars and rinse repeat.

Now imagine this being done with 9 alts and stone table setups, 9 characters to 20 over night, collect their coins, and rinse repeat. Rocks/stone will never be worth as much as alt/delete/rock farming


That’s almost exactly what I had come to realize, I just wasnt sure if you could simply delete and remake. With a setup like you mention wouldnt this create a lot of inflation? It’s almost like printing money

The problem is not a lot of people think that it’s worth the work/setup to do. There are a lot of ways to make money more efficiently basically(via selling things) But for someone who isn’t at that level of play yet, yes your thoughts are pretty spot on.

We should be clear here, there is a distinction between generating NEW money like we are talking about and MAKING money via sales. Those are two entirely different things. Yes, both give you money at the end of the day. Inn one avenue, money is CREATED and ADDED to the economy, in the other avenue, money is TAKEN from the economy and ADDED to you,.


This is a good point in that making money via request baskets actually removes coin from the economy because of taxes. It is kind of weird that they set up an economy where more circulation of funds actively contributes to deflation.


There’s a lot of game mechanics that just don’t make sense/don’t feel completely thought out but then again we are sandbox gamers and we look to break systems beyond what they were intended to be used/built for.

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Idk if that is weird, inflation is often a problem in mmo’s with money printing methods like the one described above, so there will be a need to take money out. On the other hand if deflation get too much the “money printing” methods would get more attractive, and vice versa with more inflation it will get more attractive to produce goods to sell. This alone should mean some good built in regulation of the economy.

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It’s probably a good thing that it is not worth it to continue to do that, it would really be problematic for the economy if it were.

Definitely a great way to do it when your starting out. Thats what got me using alts, the quick 10,000c each time i started one.

Theres much quicker ways to make coin when youre established though, so i dont see it ever hurting the economy, just a nice boost for new players, and a good introduction into alts.


Agreed buddy. And new players can use that coin too!


I still cycle alts for coin too. I just reset skill pages on my three main level 50 characters this morning. My miner became a hunter, builder became a miner etc. So i can collect more feats and get more coin/xp.