I hate fueling big portals. Please allow 2 stacks of shards in big portals

Sorry I know this idea keeps getting necroed.

Any portal 10 blocks and up should be able to hold 2 stacks.

I wasn’t even on vacation this time! But once again I let a big portal close by accident.

Dealing with these stupid large portals is by far the most irritating and unfun part of the game. Especially since it costs me 10k coins every time I forget. Every 4 days is really unfair.

I’m not planning on quitting or anything, but eventually one day when I quit it will be because I hate fueling large portals so very much. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

PLEASE give us this QoL improvement we have been begging for for an entire year @james. Please. Please! Please?


I agree. Portals in general are a quality of life so it can be argued that the fueling is ok how it is. I would disagree because the most attractive quality in this game is the ability to have a live portal, mostly anywhere you like. There is too much issue with fueling as it stands anyway. Bugs not being fixed and so on. I would love to be able to fuel longer.

I’ve not tried making it yet, but does oort amalgam work?

Not easy to get


It works but costs way more then just fueling portal


Don’t have exact numbers but as it turns out If i where to use them i woud have to buy way more ichor and almost triple the oort to fuel for 1 week extra and thats for a 2x3 or 2x4

So, if you had, for instance, a 900 stack of oort amalgam, how long would that fuel a 1x2?

The Oort amalgam is hella broken, in my opinion. It’s just really really not worth making.


Lol don’t know but i gues it doubles the time

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One sec and I’ll log in and see how much longer they last : )


how about a rechargeable oort battery ? some fancy expensive block that you place next to a portal, hook it up to a generator and it runs as long as the beacon is fuelled, requires occasional repairs ? but keep the shards for emergencies and to make the transition easier.
there could be tiers, different generators - steam- uses fuel, geothermal, works underground, wind turbine - works at higher altitudes, solar panels…


Looks like triple.

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Nah, I think the game needs shards as much as a generator would be easy. @james wouldn’t stand for it haha.

I have previously suggested an oort power system that would work like spark generators and spark links - any portals hooked up to the Oort power system get fueled as long as you fuel the generator with shards.

But I’d be satisfied with at least being able to put 2 stacks in large portals.


Have you guys noticed while fueling somtimes you end up having 901-903 oort in the portal.
Granted 1-3 is what the portal is digesting.

But maybe something can be done with that… lets say “portal genarator” slot next to the oort but when you throw shards it you can’t get it back out and the portal trurns oort from that slot to “direct portal power” making the other slot effectively a back up fuel slot.

Just sa suggestion.


I cooked up 20 oort amalgam. 20 oort shards powers a 1x2 for 20hrs & 25mins. 20 oort amalgam powers it for 2 days & 12hrs!

Thats great…
Now how much oort did it took to make those 20 amalgams.


Yeah but oort amalgam is too stupidly expensive. They could easily make it relevant by 5x’ing the amount of meteorite ichor you get, but clearly they don’t want oort changed. Some day hopefully they will give in. Oort costs are pretty hardcore for smaller players IMO and deter new players. I generally think they should halve the Oort costs of portals, but that’s a whole different discussion of things they’ll never do.


But the for the cost (Bows, brews, food, bombs, time) to gather enough Ichor for a full stack of amalgam, I’m sure you could buy way more Oort.

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Good point @Buugi, it cost 72 oort shards, which lasts for 3 days anyway! hmm.


I disagree with this.
I feel like player having 1x2 to connect a build to portal hub is really sustainable… i mean its 5weeks 1stack of shards and if you hunt 1time in 5 weeks you get around 80 to 100 or even more stones. That covers 5 weeks of fueling again and even more. I think its more of a portal hubs problem we have here.