I love this game but it falls short due to lack of players

I always wonder why people believe there are more PS players that Steam players.

Currently Steam says 31 people are playing Boundless via Steam and the other site says there are only 41 players playing boundless that are not on exo planets or non-public sovereign planets.

Boundless - Steam Charts

Boundless Crafting

I am glad however that the players statistics seem to be trending up instead of down.


I think it’s easier for PS4 players to get a grasp of player representation of each system because we see PSN user ID after the character name.

In my experience, I’d say there’s probably close to a 50/50 split in numbers, but obviously it’s based on my own personal observations of characters I bump into.

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Well it’s pretty easy just ask people. Most of the people I run into play on the PS. I also look at 3 Steam charts and I go by Avg and Peak Player count.

I have been watching the charts of several games just identifying trends and spikes. I find it pretty interesting, call me boring.

On top of the stats I asked a friend on the PS to document the interactions they had and it trended more on the PS side.

I don’t base my comments on thin air I am VERY educated on the stats for the game. Last night I saw 95 online at one point according to steam. One can at least assume there are an equal number of PS players to PC players. Most people I run into though tend to be on PS.

And I always look at who is playing now or in the last hour on steam. For example, currently Steam says there were 48 steam players 34 minutes ago. The other graph that measures total players (Steam and PS) that are not on an exo has a high point of 59 players in the last hour. So for there to be as many PS and Steam players (a total of 96) there would have to be 40 players on exos or in Sanctum. This could be possible, but it strikes me as unlikely. Its is also possible, that the PS and Steam players are not geographically spread equally in every region. It is possible the number of PS players in the US is higher as a percentage of total players than in Europe as an example. That may or may not explain why when you play there appear to be a larger number of PS players than Steam players. I do think that the split between steam and PS players is around 50/50. I just think there is a time of day bias favoring one system over the other.

I will not call you boring if you do not call me boring. I also spend and have spent a great deal of time watching players counts over the past few years. it is somewhat disappointing that there is not a way to get total players in the game, but as far as I know there is not. The best I have been able to find is the number on non-exo planets/sanctum. It is obviously not a total number but it is the best we have. I do not think you are coming up with a number out of thin air, but I will say that when I was playing actively, I would have made the opposite comment that there were more steam players than PS based on who I interacted with in the game. Maybe that has changed over the last few months and that would not be my experience anymore.

In any case, the fact that we appear to have more people playing on Steam or at least playing longer is probably a good thing for the game. If the Steam revenue is what is being used by Square Enix to pay for the server costs, then the more steam players the better.


Agreed I am glad to see someone else (which I am sure there are several) watching the stats.

I still question the stats sometimes as something just feels off. I can’t imagine 50 players on the Exos at any one time, while unlikely I suppose it’s possible.

I do wish there was a better way of tracking total players, but I do feel it is higher than the stats show. I am quite confident of the Steam stats, but the PS stats will always remain a question I suppose.

Edit: These stats are nice too.


With regard to the stats, there are several hundred sovereign planets at any one time, do we know how many are non-public? Also, do public sovereigns stats get included in the overall player count?

I’ve always felt that there are possibly more individual players playing than we realise, but perhaps not daily. There are possibly many people that only play once per week or less due to time constraints. I think stats only really capture the hardcore playerbase accurately.

One of my sovereigns, for instance, has had nearly 700 unique visitors since I bought it. I don’t generally advertise my planets, so I think that’s a decent amount of visitors considering that fact, plus the average daily numbers.

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yes they do

I do not and I do not know if there is anyway to get this number easily


Steams stats cannot account in any shape or form say that there is an absolute number of current players then what is current on steam for a count. Steam cannot account for even one player currently on the game from the PlayStation because Sony has there information blocked from being accessed by any other company. It’s even within Sony’s privacy terms when you make a PSN account saying that no other company but the company that owns the game can get any information about your statuses on game activity or account information unless you have authorized access to your information about your account. So it’s really hard to say how many people are playing on steam and PlayStation unless wonderstruck decides to release that information themselves about total player. We can only speculate on how many are playing total. If steam has a total account of how many people are currently playing boundless itself then I would probably say their stats are off. I have been on a hunt in the mornings and steam has said a total of 46 people playing but there was 20 on the hunt. I don’t think it’s likely that half the players at that time would all be on a hunt at the same time. Just my opinion tho.

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Well, there is the Boundless Crafting link that Kal-El posted, which uses API calls to check how many people are on each of the public worlds, which includes both Steam and PS players. I think that is the most meaningful statistic, since it includes very nearly everyone who affects the economy and apparent player count in general.

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Might be a (very) unpopular opinion, but I truly think the game would’ve been better off with at least ONE developer-made permanent small town on each world with vendors selling blocks and ressources at fixed prices, and one to two portals leading to a nearby world to create an official network.

The whole “everything is player-driven” concept is great for a successful MMO. But right now, it’s truly working against the game, as some people feel bound (pun very much intended) to the game like they have some responisibility to do hunts to maintain portals and shops for the community, or because they might be part of the last handful of people still playing the game with the ablity to craft wayfarer totems (which is definitely something I called years ago and people rolled their eyes at me then)

Going forward, I don’t think I would want to invest myself with another game that works quite like this.


That isn’t exactly how I would implement it, but I think that it would have been a very good idea. Even if there were just a handful of centrally linked planets people could start at that each have a dev-owned permahub & infinite store, that would give new players somewhere to congregate to learn the game. I would say that even dropping players in the same general area as something like this, and having a tutorial take them into town would be better than what we got. I see the value in the “start in the wilds” beginning, but if you don’t know that there is huge value in joining the interplanetary community, you’re going to have a bad time.

I’m with you on this. If I hadn’t done research and learned ahead of time that there were active portal hubs and markets available, I would have passed on the game.

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To be clear, I do mean that the notion of a game only featuring hubs player-made is not something I would want to engage with again.
I did ‘research’ in the sense that I knew everything was player-made. What I did not know was that the beautiful city made by Nyuudles I saw in trailers had already been wiped-out by the time the game was released, and replaced by underwhelming patchwork-looking cities. Like, no offense meant to the Portal Seekers, but the first time I saw a city on Arie, it was their hub there, and I did think “is… is this it? :nauseated_face:

If only update 249 had been finished, maybe we could’ve done content for our own worlds… it’s so sad…

Hytale brain go brrrr

Like, I’m curious to know exactly how Hytale will work, I may not know how the pricing will be handled, if I’ll have to host my own server-world, if I’ll have to fuel portals to other servers to be connected to them… but I do know that there will be camps of friendly NPCs and dungeons. That makes me go “yay!”