I need an Arborist's Advice!

Hello, Tree Lovers and Arborist alike! I seek your gracious wisdom of all that is tall and barky.

I am currently working on redoing my portal area for the five billionth time, and each design I have made the center a huge tree in the area. Well, my latest rendition of my portal area I really want to bring it home with the tree so that I stop rebuilding it every few weeks.

The issue is I just suck at building trees. I like to think of myself a pretty competent builder, but trees I just can’t seem to get right when I try to build them on a large scale.

The theme I am going with is I want to make an ancient portal area with a tree at the center, and the roots going down into the brick then bursting out in random spots. To make it feel like it is overgrown and nature-y and then/if we get some cool hanging type planets I am gonna cover the area with them. That is pretty much the gist of what I am doing.

So, does anyone have any advice on building large trees or any good reference guides on the creation of them?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. If you wanna check out my area I am located in Star Diacon - Starlight Guardian Headquarters on Sorissi. We have a portal coming from Aquatopia if I didn’t forget to refuel it haha.


Not so much advice as inspiration but…


Oh yeah I was perusing through that post and there are definitely some neat builds, but I am still at a loss of how to really tackle this project haha :sweat_smile:

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Experiment! :slight_smile:

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Try searching something like “fantasy trees” in Google images to perhaps get an idea for an overall shape/style that interests you then just experiment. Plus you could look at the existing trees in Boundless and perhaps try reproducing one on a larger scale.


What exactly are you having problems with? It takes a lot of playing around to get things looking right normally. If you’re chiselling, you’re going to notice sometimes you expose the innards of the tree. That was one of the hardest thing I found was which way to place the block so after chiselling the bark would be exposed. For my large tree. I used the slope chisel. And bevel chisel for smaller branches. My tree doesn’t have foliage. But I think that’s the easiest part. Tree trunks are thicker at the base and get thinner as the go up. Also most trees aren’t a straight pole with branches coming off. Normally they lean one way or another. Also there is no right or wrong way to make a tree especially in a fantasy game like this. Hope this helps in some way. Good luck.


Had the same issue with keeping bark visible but found after a while I liked having some of the wood exposed with my trees


You can always put the foliage on and then cut out leaves and add more branches. Slope and bevel chisels are your friend!

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Hey now Greyart you got a GREAT tree root on your place in Dzaasak next to mine (lil yellow house). I think thats an awesome build btw!

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Tree making. Ah.
The hard part of it is measurments.
You rly have to think about it cause you dont wanna end up with too skinny bottom and too large top and viceversa.
First and for most. Dont do a circle first if you are doing just a tree. Play with it… you gotta freestyle a bit. It doesnt have to go straight… do some angles and stuff. Do some buugi stuff (yes that stuff)
2nd dont go too big your first “ring” cause you are going to do layers and layers to outer parts of it.
Start small build bigger.

Also what kinda size you were thinking i would like to help seriously.
Trunk amount?any idea? 50k?


Thank you very much @Conkuur I really like your place too, I love that style of roof (if you hadn’t guessed :slightly_smiling_face:) … yeah the roots are just as important as the trunk and branches as they really help to set the foundation and give a sense of connection, you can play about with them and make it look like they burrow into the ground and surface further out as well as form great nooks and crannies for things like hidden doorways etc


Something that will be taller than the roofs of the overhang around the portal area because it is kinda lower than the ground level. It is hard to explain if you get a chance and stop by and check it out. I would love to brain storm haha.

Check out my tree at Eresho to see a nice giant tree :blush: DK’s Ultima Tree

I have your wood is very impressive @DKPuncherello haha :wink:

Have you checked out Regen Consortium and Legendville Mall too? Just for portal ideas

Yeah they have some cool portals, everything is pretty much built I am just fixing the tree in the center.