I Remember when...(the game)

Keeping a notepad on my coffee table so I could write down where I went so I could find my way home after (before free warps home)

When I couldn’t play the game because there were 70 people on Finata at all times


I remember when I had build a bank that sold raw gem ore for 500c+ per piece and made more profit than my shop back then lol.

I remember when you died, all of the gear in your inventory, tools, grapples, etc. Would take damage. It was an awful time.

On the bright side I remember the little shaker light cubes. They were so cute Kind of wish we still had them just because.

I also remember when your inventory had to be upgraded using skill points :smiley: Fun times


I remember when cuttletrunks were way bigger than they are now and their shots a lot slower so much easier to dodge plus most mobs over a certain level dropped gems.

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Before T6…


My Icehouse on solum


Oh those are pretty cool names. But I also like the current names.

i remember when i buyed it for my birthday 13/11/2014.

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I remember when the characters were just square white blocks on the screen and the grapple was just a bezier curve, then not playing for 5 years until a couple months ago :stuck_out_tongue:

And the game was called Oort Online


When portal networks didnt exist and a trip to Biitula for “white” gleam would cost me half of my “fortune” haha.


I remember when little wildstocks would almost charge 10 times in a row :pleading_face:

I remember exploring without a compass. :ok_hand:


When mining for 2 hours to get 80 diamonds diamonds on serp with a single shot iron hammer was the greatest accomplishment I ever had.

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I remember dying to fall damage nonstop from wildstock

When was this?

Is that actually true? Screenshots or it didn’t happen. :wink:


Very first few days of when the game officially launched.

Hm I got it on PS4 preorder on the 7th. But I guess there were those PC jerks who got there ahead of us :wink:

Wish I had ss of beta lol

The first time (and the last time) I saw “World full” when trying to get to my home base.

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I remember when we were Orange blocks and building was so fun, because you had infinite blocks and the grappling hook was super OP :smiley:


I remember logging into the game in 2018 and then suddenly now it’s almost 2020…what happened?
Can I have a pee break now?