I was wrong and i admit it

That just sounds fun. Just like watch a nooby with a grapple for the first time lol

I said iā€™d never ever try forging. I was wrong!
It helped my business too, so itā€™s a win-win!


Using that on a wooden shovel sounds like a slight waste of forging materials, due to the low durability.
Iā€™d suggest the Wayfarer totems, even if their enchanty-ness is low. Theyā€™ve got quite nice durability, and the aoe should reduce the damage greatly.

If need be, a damage defect might not be a bad idea, since those potions could also give you more, cheaper points to work with.
I havenā€™t tried it myself yet, but once I re-place my forge, I plan to.

If you need any totems, I can part with a stack if you need em. I made a bunch a little while ago, so Iā€™ve got a chest full of them.

Oooh me!

Well i didnā€™t say kill it, but i was very apprehensive about it. Have to agree it has been only a pleasure as both shopper and salesman.

Best advice would be if you think something is broken, go at it full tilt and try find something positive; the devs put a lot of thought into what they add but they listen to community feedback within reason


But those do normally damage any block enough to remove it (itā€™s why I love them for building!). I used wooden axes, now use silver tho, for farmingā€¦

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Only if I can build autnomous hunt robots! :slight_smile:

Only if i can destroy other people hunt robots

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699c @ gyosha mall I have sold 1 since I put these there in september some time.

Offered wood axes forged the same for 500c one time and never sold a single axe.

Those wood axes were a single lucky batch I offered to sell cheap. After several rounds of forging these tools I stuck with copper for the shop stock because IMO with the cost to forge these averaged out over several batches being a few hundred coins the durability gain was worth more than the damage decrease.


Thatā€™s actually usefulā€¦and I had no idea you sold those!

Guess youā€™ve found a new customer. ĆøwĆøb

thanks, on my way to get some.