I was wrong and i admit it

Hi guys.

Theres been lots of negativity on forums lately so lets make some positive post for a change.

Have you ever questioned about some updates but in the end they became actually good thing?

You can list your stuff below but let me start.

I was wrong about Farming…
Yes i did have my doubts and i kinda thought i knew how its gonna work… well i was not accurate at all.

I actually took some time to dig in to farming and i really enjoy it… honestly… getting stuff “for free” not going out when you need that 5 kranuts for the mass craft is great.

So… great job devs!
You proved me wrong.


I do wish the 2.0 of farming will be released soon where we get the automated farm plant and harvesting machines!!! :slight_smile:
Yeah though farming is pretty awesome!


Wait, that’s a thing the devs said they would do? :astonished:

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sorry I was dreaming out loud there lol


I would have to take a hit on myself for ripping on the concrete needing kindle but after getting a decent size kindle farm setup making concrete is a walk in the park… ma bad :blush:


I just wish you could plant and harvest much quicker


play some good music and just go at it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

… 2 hrs later… lol


It would be nice to have at least a 3x3 aoe planter tool, and a specific harvester tool , like a scythe or something.

I just made my first little farm a few days ago for combustion and kindling (lol still way short on seeds for this). Not ready to harvest yet, but I still like it so far.


yeah using a aoe tool to harvest can be destructive :(((((

Aoe wood axe/shovel/hammer. Take off all dmg skills from your farmer skillpage. That should work unless you use your farmer skillpage for other things too

I can admit i was wrong about drop rates being better on solo meteors for the Oortmas event. The rest of what I said about the event stands though lol

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I’ll admit I was wrong about the seeds being in Meteors on T5+ planets would ruin drops from them. Oh…wait…nvrmind I was right :joy:


Waiting for this who said shop scanner was going to kill the game

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lol for now I don’t have enough points to have a page just for farming.

Don’t really craft, especially not forge, so will probably just get the cheapest aoe axe I can find. Will probably be a silver one? Not sure I have seen less than that material at stores.

Edit: Missed a few words. lol.

I’ve been right about everything… they need to just listen to me more often :man_shrugging:


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Personally I use silver axes with Flankers Force (horizontal 3) forged on them. I set my farm up in 3 wide rows and then can just walk along and harvest safely.


You may not need to remove the points if you’re careful to only hit each block once. Having as little dmg on your weapon as possible just makes it easier to swing nonstop without worrying about breaking your blocks

You can forge a 3x3 wood shovel without damage added. It’s a good harvester

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This is where console or controller is better. I can drink speed brew and “jog” and plant at a higher speed. At least from what I’ve noticed.

I was wrong to give Megafast brews to Oortians under Lvl 8.