“Sneaking” will prevent you from stepping off a block if there is an elevation change.
stealth is very useful, both in combat and with a pacifist character. With enough stealth, from control attribute and shadow armor epic, gathering runs are a walk in the park
how much better fuel efficiency with heat gets overtime I crafted a lot of a lot of things early on that I wish I would have waited till I could do it at a better heat cost.
This I completely agree with stealth has tripled my shimmering orb gathering rate lol
I don’t know dude there are plenty of places that sell both. Most people don’t sell Gem tools because they forge them. If they’re forging that stuff why make titanium - used for the furnace bases to make adv coils.
I don’t know I am overflowing with titanium. Like 6 smart stacks of bars I don’t even know what to do with…
I thought I would just need the Titanium Bars, but you don’t. You need Titanium Alloy, which is Titanium Bar + Silver or Gold Alloy, which is Silver or Gold Bar + Iron or Copper Bar.
So to go from just farming Iron for Iron Tools, to getting Titanium. Just for the bars, and not even counting the other materials, You’d need to hunt down not just Titanium Ore, But Silver and Gold Ore, on top of even more Copper and Iron ore.
That already is jumping the ammount of stuff to smelt and items to farm from 1 item up to 3 at the minimum, Iron or Copper, Silver or Gold, and Titanium. Then need to combine that Iron or Copper with Silver or Gold to make the Alloy which is then combined with Titanium to make Titanium Alloy.
Instead of just finding and smelting Titanium, they had to complicate it even farther, making you farm 2 extra metals on top of Titanium, and doing extra steps to get access to just ONE of the ingrediants needed.
Bringing up Minecraft again as the perfect example. Making Wood, Stone, Iron, or Diamond Pickaxes are the exact same. 2 Sticks, and 3 Materials. You just change out the materials, and you’re done.
This game complicates the recipie for no reason, other than that it’s an MMO, and thus the more advance stuff needs to be more complicated and harder to make. Instead of a Sandbox, where getting the materials and crafting it is just as easy as the low level stuff, just not in as much of it, but it requires the Tier before it for you to harvest said materials.
Sandboxes are meant to be accessable, easy, and fun. You can still complicate some things, while still being accessable, easy, and fun. Or have none of you ever notice that while I harp on making the tools a lot, I’ve never once complained about how hard or complicated the Forging in the game is?
Either way, this is my last off topic post in this thread. All of you need to stop complaining and try to stay on topic.
I expressed what I wish I knew earlier, and explained why I wish I knew it earlier, twice now.
‘secret’ u will keep on using low lvl material for much stuff even much later in the game. This material can be farmed very comfortable and easy on low lvl worlds because block break easier there and mobs are easier to beat. (even by low lvl alt)
That you could track a player. Only found that out the other night
u can warp to them too ( to friends)
Ok then, that’s now two things
This would make an excellent entry in the wiki.
Awesome tips guys - thanks for not turning this post negative
Actually, I have more titanium than gold/silver to turn them into alloys and am certainly not talking about a few here
When you’re looking for gems or titanium you will usually find tons of iron, copper, silver and gold, tho not always since I kinda didn’t have enough gold/silver yesterday to make titanium alloys
If you watch all videos of jiivita that are for new starting players and listen carefully your progress ingame will speed up and you learn a bunch. https://media.giphy.com/media/XR9Dp54ZC4dji/giphy.gif
Lots of crafting tables + mass crafting as many mats as possible + eat a teaching pie then log off that character. When you log back onto it (after crafting is complete) you will have leveled more than once depending on how many mats you process. And you will have time left on your teaching pie to refine all that and log off again. I jumped 6 levels in a few hours after refining 10k rock
Hihi, could you elaborate on this? Interested newbie here!
Iron regen bombs… bought some for 2k. Regen all blocks within 22 meters in every direction.
So you farm a whole bunch, then you regen bomb and refarm. Makes getting pink gleam or whatever color super fast.
Far as I know, only works on non-plotted lands.
I can confirm it works on plotted land as well, so long as you have build perms or ownership of the plot.
Do you need just 1 bomb to regen the area?