Ice vs slide, halp

Has anybody here done any experimenting with slide vs ice? Is there any difference in their behavior when going down-slope?

My personal experience is the green slides will be faster because they dont have surface friction force like ices

Iā€™ll put it like this-
a Roadrunner can run up an ice slope if it tries, it canā€™t run up a slide slope.


If you drop an item/player into a one block ice slope and across an ice floor vs dropping into a 1 slope slide block then across a slide floor, they go the exact same distance.

Dropping the item from the same height too.

So mabye the difference is very small and only over a longer distance. The way to test would be to make a 100 block long ice/slide slope with a long floor at the bottom of the same block. Then test whatā€™s faster to hit the floor and what type allows you to go further along the floor.


Would it be a bad idea to create an ice slide that launches people into lava?


I have a 30 plot ice slide, I can replace one half with slime slide and test two characters going down simultaneously later tonight.

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How long does It take to run the 30 plot slide?

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Iā€™d have to check next time Iā€™m on, not sure but itā€™s probably in the ballpark of 14 seconds.

Oh that quick

you seem to know the plans to my latest buildā€¦

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I think you take less fall damage hitting a slide rather than hitting ice.

Rise from the ashes!

Been testing Slide vs Ice again for a new build, and I cannot for the life of me figure out any difference in speed.

What we know about Ice v Slide:

  • Roadrunners cannot run up slide, whereas its possible for them to make it up Ice every now and then (credit @AlexxChristo )
  • Slide will not burn/melt from being in contact with Lava, whereas Ice does, so it has its place in Lava builds.

And thatā€™s it, from what I can find. As this was last talked about in February, has anybody found any new information on the Slide vs Ice situation?


I lag a little less around ice than I do around slide. I think itā€™s the move-y slide animation on the block.

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Oh thatā€™s a good poin! I prefer to use Ice unless I need to use Slide anyway. But if there is anything I can do to reduce lag, its a bonus!

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Does every item you drop have same ā€œWeightā€ value? So is there a difference between lets say stack of tallow vs 1 tallow?

Nope, they have the same weight. They do get bigger when the stack is bigger tho

Edit: the only way to test the weight is testing the speed down an ice ramp I suppose and there is no difference from my tests

I donā€™t know which is is better. But Iā€™d love a petroleum slide thatā€™s black and you canā€™t crawl/creep on. Drops mic.


I would get SO behind a slippery block that you couldnā€™t creep on, or even add it to the list of desired beacon setting ā€˜disable creep stopping you slide on slippery surfacesā€™

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Could you maybe make the slide and then put a block of petroleum at the top so it covers it? Not sure if it would go the whole way thoughā€¦

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No the liquid slows you down.
Also Petroleum is actually thicker than water for a lack of a better way of describing it. Iā€™ve made a few pools of it. And itā€™s hard to swim down in.