Icecrmcone hunts all welcome

:crown: Hunt Leader: @icecrmcone
:clock10: Today; 7:30pm CST (in your time zone)
:earth_americas: Evilution X (T6) Chill
:warning: Atmosphere: Lvl 5 Potent
:droplet: Liquid: ▲Water | ▼Water :droplet: Liquid:
:bust_in_silhouette: Capacity: 20Max
:bow_and_arrow: Best Lucent Weapon: Blink
:bow_and_arrow: Best Gem Bow: Ruby/Diamond/Amethyst
:man_running:Hunt Type: Running/Location Hunt
:stopwatch: Duration: 2 Hours
:school_satchel: Bring: [Auto Loot Stick]-[Revive Brews-&-Augments]-[Campfires-&-Chests]
:moneybag: Beneficial: [Oortstone’s]-[Trophy’s]-[Kernels]
:zzz: AFK: Emergencies Only
:earth_americas: Meet Up: Dragons World <@icecreamcone

If You Are Late You Can Assess The Planet From
[Houchus 1] (Warp Cost 100c)
:memo: Helpful Notes :

Everyone is welcome but please be on time. Track the hunt leader so you know where to go.

Use campfires / chests to empty your inventory mid-hunt so you can get more loot. Campfires automatically reclaim with your chest after 2 hours.

Bring reviver brews / healing bombs to help keep you alive. If you die usually someone will revive you when they can.

No other portals besides the ones the hunt leader or their helpers open. If you need to leave please exit by using the ‘return to sanctum’ option.

No damage bombs except to clear trees. No griefing and be respectful to other hunters. We’re all here for the same thing… May the Oort be plenty!