Iconic Meteor League [IML] 2020 Schedule

Little less than two weeks to get your teams together. We should be able to accommodate 4 teams.

Team Squatch
The PUNKtanstic 4

@ginabean @Coolpants

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Q-MART would like to sponsor a team.

I would like to offer up contracts for hunting services of 4 hunters of any ability. I am willing to pay 50,000c to each hunter to take part this tournament.

PM me…

Let’s see if I can put together a team.

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Oh wow. Thats one heck of a deal :slight_smile: Plus the chance to win some oort. You would be crazy not to at least try it out!

Cuttlepunks will be there : )

oooooooooooooo. umm. does team sasquatch have an open spot?

I’m pretty sure we are full. Sorry @LunaiHunter

yes its ok. lel

900 Oort goes to the winning team. There is no catch. Keep your oort from your hour hunting with the chance to win an extra 900. You have nothing to lose.

Now if you are on the QMART team you will have to get with Mittens on how his team would work.

I think i’ve got 2 of 4. not sure so im not posting my roster yet…

Do we get to know what planets or what tier planets teams will be hunting? I need to prepare bows and plan atmo protection allotments.

Planet is a mystery mohahahaha. I stay away from lava.

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So far 3 teams are locked in once again. Waiting on Q-MART?

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Q–Mart Roster!!

Lead - Boltor
2. @Durangotang
4. @Prome3us



Awesome 4 teams!

Team Squatch
PUNKtanstic 4

We are locked in. Start preparing for the match teams!

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I’m so excited! We had so much fun in the last one. I swear we haven’t laughed that hard in a long time! :nerd_face::+1:


@Mittins Have a Q-MART logo or anything I can add to the picture? :slight_smile:

Just a big red Q

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Sounds easy enough. Hope to see everyone this Saturday. Please try to be at least 30mins early.

what time in eastern daylight time? i really want to do the meteor league.

1pm EST so 12:30pm EST would be nice time to show up.

Start getting ready see everyone soon!