Iconic Meteor League [IML] 2020 Schedule

That looks like my phone!!! Lol.

Think I will be opening the Slingbow Depot in a smaller location soon. Around 50% of income will go to Iconic events.

Over the weekend I am going to put out request for oort at 150c each. Hopefully the communoty would be so kind to donate some oort at this price so that the league can get back to competition.

4 teams T6. Five memebers a team. Iconic team will be competing.

Think you can come out on top? Muhaha i dont think so… :wink:

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The Oort is collected. Next match is T6 planets. Future details in how its going to work so you have the bow types will come later. For now let us enjoy the holiday and prepare for the next event…

Saturday January 4th 1pm EST.

Teams of 5 members. Start getting ready. Let me know what teams are signing up please.

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@Rumplypigskin let’s wreck itttt

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I wonder how the meteor count will look! I imagine it will be a real victory IF you accomplish each meteor, rather than lower tier matches being about how FAST you can complete a meteor.

This will require some real skills and test the true hunters!

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Thats why Iconic needs a team. Show everyone our skillz. Let the trash talk begin!

Skillz of relentless self promoting :smirk:

Punks are quiet, you know what they say about the quiet ones.

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Quiet ones get lava planets?

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You know who’se been quiet… @ILegend

Where’s the famous hunters from Legendville? @DKPuncherello That’s your hood…

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Haha yeah Legendville’s pretty quiet other than the mall lately. Maybe I’ll put together a team though - anyone want to join a Legendville team?

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You think sometime after this event, we could get about 10 or 20 people together and do solo time trials on some lvl 6 t5 or t6 meteors? That’d be hella fun too

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T5 may be better for solo.

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