[idea] Planet Creation - Huge sink for construction blocks, or for any block really

Add an endgame machine, one that is really really expensive and time consuming to make, and with it you can deposit blocks into it to be transformed into “Primordial energy” which will in the end be consumed by the machine at once to generate something huge.
The technology behind said machine uses a small black hole (or maybe a rift) that will only accept specific blocks and really really huge amounts of them. Also, no natural blocks should be accepted.
Think about a month of hard work between a lot of players, and the result could either be:

  • A ‘planet’, which is actually an instance still located on the server used to generate it.
  • The entrance to some sort of spacial otherwordly temporary dungeon, with bosses, mobs and loot at the end
  • Some empty or empty-looking dimension that is plotable.

The machine, with 30 player contributing to produce something, would need a month of everyday work, to generate the result.

Maybe the result is temporary, or maybe it has to be maintained by feeding more and more blocks into the machine, because if you dont, the black hole that is sustaining the thing will collapse and disappear, and if it disappears, you would have to make another one.

Maybe said machine can produce all of these different huge things, and new “products” can be added.

One interesting use of this idea is:
Imagine a new sort of planet “A faded sparkle in the sky”, which are planets trapped in some sort of dimensional bubble, and to pop said bubble, the machine must be used to then shoot a massive amount of energy at it. But for the machine to work, not only it would require a lot of not-natural blocks, but it needs a good amount of players contributing to it, or it wont work.
What that means is: Devs can develop new and interesting planets, and lock them behind game content (the endgame machine thing).

I’m starting to turn this post into a scratch pad.
So I will go to the point:
Do you guys have any ideas about a very expensive and massive machine that can be used to produce some sort of really wonderful thing, but it takes a huge amount of time to do it and a lot of players, also, it should be a sink for items, most specifically construction blocks, stuff that cant just be mined out of the ground


It reminds me about synced insult emote (as bad as it sounds it was more funny than insulting ass showing animation), performed by the entire group during big hunt in EA. We used to joke it was meteorite summoning ritual.

So maybe apart from resources and such a required minimum of players would have to gather and do something at the same time. Like mexican wave by at least 10 players. Like invoking energy/gods.

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