Ideas for things that would be useful for mini games in creative

Things that would help with mini games:

Ability for world owner to enable or disable flying and grappling

Ability for world owner to spawn mobs

Ability for world owner to make mobs invincible

Ability for world owner to make players invincible

Ability for world owner to set people’s skill sets

Ability to have higher max run speed and jump height

Different amounts of gravity

Ability to change the bounciness of trampolines (btw this should be in survival too, different grades of trampolines)

Shop stands to have everyone easily get the same items

Tokens that can be brought back to survival to redeem prizes



both exist in creative already


I don’t think creative worlds or sovereign worlds should have anything “other” than public worlds, apart form what is already stated (invincibility + flying). I don’t want to have to rent a planet to make a fun mini game

Edit: HOWEVER, “allow beacon owner to…”
Ability for owner to enable or disable grappling
Ability for owner to set people’s skill sets
Ability to change the bounciness of trampolines (btw this should be in survival too, different grades of trampolines)


But it’s world-wide, right? It would be interesting if you could toggle individual players.

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I too would prefer special mini game settings for beacons rather than worldwide (on any kind of world)


Yes please, let me force that perspective. I really want to make the entrance to my creative world a subterranean wonderland that is about 20 plots in length(total length, all zigzaggy not a straight line) that emerges into a peaceful, sunny, green rolling hills world. And suggest medieval themed builds but have some leniency - boot people who make giant gleam builds and pixel art.

I’d love for a slider on trampolines that let you pick a rebound percentage between almost nothing and just about everything, related to height fell. If you had that in conjunction with something that pushed sideways you could make some really cool, super long, slide/Oortian transport systems.

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Some type of ball for sports/games. :softball: :balloon: :8ball: :yarn:

Some type of auto-counter/score board. :checkered_flag: :golf: :goal_net:

Ability to set beacon-wide or planet-wide music. Maybe even the ability to load/play a few mp3/4 sound tracks. :musical_note: :notes: :blush:

Some type of mount/vehicle/rafts/boats/gliders/something-er-other.

Interactive road/track/blocks that cause some type of action: push, bounce, speed

Vfx blocks/decor that activate when you interact, you can toogle them off, or toggle always on: smoke, lightening, explosion, firework burst :sparkles: :fire: :fireworks: :boom:

I think most of these would be great for survival too.

& As you mentioned: mob-spawner, set jump distance & speed, gravity


Would be cool but I can’t see this ever happening. Like, boundless will go on sale on PS4 before this happens.

Would also be cool if you could make some kind of checkpoint block/area, so you can develop races.

Imagine a bunch of aerial hoops that you have to try and grapple through as fast as possible.

Or combined with the no grapple/flying idea, just an obstacle course to run through. The players could bring so much to this game.

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Hopefully they will add the Lua scripting to hosted Creative Worlds as well and then extend the APIs so we can change all sorts of things like this.

Spawning of mobs for instance is possible with Lua already.

Am sure they want to add all this stuff, question is will they have time for it and is it a high priority for them at the moment.

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A ball you can throw. Or just a ball you can kick around.