If all colors for every block were available

I have been thinking if there was no color-rarity, I think it might actually not be as fun and render the Exos pretty pointless for me as I don’t use Rift, Blink or Umbris much at all. So I figured I’d ask…

If all colors for every block were available, would it make the game more or less fun for you?

  • More Fun
  • Less Fun
  • Just as Fun

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As a builder I hate not been able to get the Colours I love to use in the specific block type. You should be able to craft marble from all 3 types of blocks in my opinion.


It’s tricky because it’s subjective. I wouldn’t say it’d be “more fun”, just “more adequate”. It’d allow for more diversity, more creativity, more options, and at the end of the day, it wouldn’t hurt the community since people would still be able to sell colors just the same, depending on how many sovereigns would have a given color (and how easy to reach they’d be). We’re already at a point where people will tell you “yeah sure, I’ll change the colors on my sovereign because you ask for it”.

All I wanrlt is 800SS of Mint Verdant Grass I can live with everything else being rare boop


More fun since im not hunting for colors that are hard to come by. I just use what’s possible for me to get, so mostly sov unlocked colors and sometimes some white from exos. Since im not even building much because of lack of time, im not even using so far the white nor was I able to farm much special exo gleam colors or rocks like mint. Lack of time means also Lack of money or resources to get proper tools, so if it would be easily available at some point, it wouldn’t change my fun, I would just Start building then differently when I build. That’s all

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I feel like every game should have something you hunt for that is rare. In this game it’s specific colors of materials. Makes it more interesting if you ask me. Otherwise, people could just go to creative and build whatever they want, when they want. You have all mats, endless mats/colors there.