"Illegal Protocol Message" - cannot get to homeworld or exit sanctum

I think they each have about 20 - mostly stuff on T1 planets a good distance away.

What are the closest worlds that you have the option to warp in order to minimise Coin costs and warp distances?

Between the 2 of them, I have locations on Biitula, Cephonex, Lamblis, and Gyosha - each says 3900c to warp.

What levels are the 2 characters in question?

Skill resets are free until level 20. Once those characters get to that level, cleanse points can be used to return skill points to those characters.

One is level 42, the other is level 48.
Sorry - I used the wrong term when I said “respec points”, I meant the cleanse points. I know about them, I’d just rather not spend so many, if it’s avoidable, because I tend to swap around skills on my characters pretty often.

(EDITED to add links)

I saw in another post ( Illegal Protocol Message (Stuck in Sanctum) - #8 by lucadeltodecso ) that it was asked that the person run a ping test to an ip ( - I’m not sure if that is still the correct ip to ping (old post) or if it’s any help at all, but I ran that and it came back with this:

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 131ms, Maximum = 132ms, Average = 131ms

And on some other posts people keep saying to just wait a really long time and it should eventually load ( Stuck in sanctum after exo left - #7 by lucadeltodecso )- but I just want to make clear that the portal is not continuing to attempt to load - once it says “illegal protocol message” it waits about 3-5 secs and then shuts off completely.

I also have the game installed on my laptop and I tried launching it there, but it’s having the same issue. I’m assuming that isn’t a cache related thing, then, since it’s on different hardware? (I may, of course, be misunderstanding something about the cache)

I doubt any of that is helpful, but I figure more information maybe doesn’t hurt anything, at this point.

Which post was that?

Which post was which? sorry, my previous post was referring to multiple posts that I found. I’m assuming that you’re asking about the ping test one? …I’ll have to see if I can find that one again. Sorry about that - should have actually cited/referenced the other posts. I’ll see if I can find it again. If I can, I’ll add links as edits to the previous post.

EDIT: links added to my previous post. There may have been other posts that it referenced as well, but those are at least the primary ones.

Even though those links are 1-2 years old, @lucadeltodecso are these ping tests valid?

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