Illegal protocol message when warping to beacons on my sovereign world

Mentioned in different place:

I came across the same problem when trying to warp to saved beacons placed by one of my alts. No matter if I was warping from a different world or the same world.
It seems to happen when I try to warp to a beacon where I got perms from the beacon owner. I didn’t have this problem when warping to beacons where I don’t have perms.


which world, at what time (and timezone!)? (helps to find server logs)


Happy Hunting Ground
5pm yesterday onward, Dublin time

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the server logs suggest you were hitting the “warping to a location when filtering (eg to current world) doesnt allow warp to open”; the title of your thread says beacon though?

yes, I created tokens from beacon list of the beacon owner - then saved locations with the other alt

all worked well on first visits, only started getting this yesterday and it coincided with perms given - might be just this, coincidence

PS. just realized the filtering part in the quote you gave - yes, I filtered locations (typed part of beacon’s name) to avoid scrolling through the long list; so that’s the problem?

filtering was the issue yes (for locations only), and will be fixed in next patch

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