I don’t own a pc of any kind
I’ve switched from WiFi to cable now for the internet please tell me what’s wrong with my connection as I still can’t get on game using my home internet!
Been playing on my home internet for the last 5 hours as it started working now it’s back to this damn illegal protocol message after the game dced me (I was going thru a portal)
How does the message appear? Does it appear as text on the Warp Conduit or as a pop-up against a blank screen?
On the portals BUT I have found a way to bypass it! All I have to do is create a new character every time it happens and it logs me in, altho very annoying but at least I can play so if u see some random lvl 1 toons with offish curse words deleted you know it’s me logging into the game the very long way
Do you mean that by creating a new character it then allows the existing character to work? or does it only work on the new character?
Can you do the submit game log sometime where it didn’t work and then creating a new character made it work? it’s possible I can see something more from that
When ever I create a new character it will work and then I switch to my main character and it’s works perfect, it’s annoying that I have to do that all the time but I get to play so it’s all good, so far it hasn’t failed me so there is something in game that stops me from logging on properly, so when I try tonight it will be in this order… Log on to whatever toon I was logged on as before then it will say cannot connect to any worlds so then I create a brand new toon I home in to my friend then I disconnect so repeat the process I zone into my friend again then I relog to my main toon and it works and once I come off it for the night and relog on a different day I have to repeat the process
I shall be on later on tonight about 11pm UK time I finish work at 9pm today I shall submit tonight on either Baequi, Baecraft or Baefarmer which ever I last logged on last night with lol