🔴 I'm Live Playing a Fresh Character!

I am starting a Fresh Character doing a Solo Challenge!

I will be playing on ONLY on my T3 Sovereign Planet AND Exo Planets. (I’m not banning myself from the public planets as i will need to go through them to get to Exo Planets and to visit friends etc)

This will be an incredibly chilled out vibe, having to gather and craft everything myself will make sure of that. I will try and stream as much as I play, but I’m not going to be militant about it.

If you want to chill or just say hi, then check it out :fist_right: :fist_left:


Thanks to everyone who tuned in, was great to catch up with you all. We even managed to coax out a wild @DanBeforeTime :open_mouth:


Awesome. I started a new character once explain how you could get early mass storage via tables etc. Was pretty fun… you forget how challenging the game is in the beginning. Glad to see you back, hopefully you come back around more often.


That’s great, yeh it quite hard when you don’t have near instant access to the best tools and buffs :ok_hand:


Can any of us create new characters and join you on your adventure?


if you really think about it… you really don’t need high tier stuff if you keep it simple. you can use all copper and iron tools/bows and be fine. you only start to need gems and higher tier stuff if you want to do mass crafts of gems or foods for a shop. I’ve been keeping it simple because of this low player count. I’m not hurting for anything, but I’m also realizing I don’t need a lot. It’s only the need to have more that keeps me going lol

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That’s why I built on Circa. I can connect to Dragon Hub with minimal portal cost.

I dont run an expensive hub, but do a ton of hunts. I sell a good bit of oort and donate some and make a good amount of coin.


I’m going to be sticking to my solo challenge at the moment, a little later down the line when I have everything I need I will join the public universe :slight_smile: not to say you won’t see me running around visiting people’s builds and settlements


You’re right, you don’t actually need a load of stuff playing solo. However, there are some things you’d be surprised how much you actually need if you’re going to be doing everything yourself. Like Sap, needed for so many aspects of the game lol


Going live again, stream number 2!


Making my hole into my home :house:



Going to try out some low level forging, with little to no forging experience… :+1:


change of plan, having issues with my bitrate, wil have to try again later :skull_and_crossbones:

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