In search of good ash

only 1,234,345 more times


I’ve been cashing in on it for three+ years now. Just get it laminated :wink:.

There are a few good ash farms. TnT and PS farms are both good.


Phew. I better start being careful.


~3500 hours in and I still use it :joy:


I don’t actually know where PS main hub is.

Its not really a main hub but more of just interconnected sub hubs. Here is their main post. At the bottom it has the different locations for their farms. Always nice to have multiple farm locations if others are using them.

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Thanks very much!!

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Its a free subscription to boundless, everyone that joins boundless automatically gets signed up. Then just use it when you need it

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Go check guardian hub. Might have low tier ash farm by now. If not we will make one for you soon.

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Ash farm located on Sorissi. Multiple ways to get here. Lots of other farms in topic as well.

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Any particular color? Or just ash in general? Raxxa has huge swaths of warm red ash.

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Noob :rofl:

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Were you aware there’s a button mapping to drop items from your inventory?

Because I spent 16 months dragging and dropping (on PS4, no less) to drop items!


Well I’ve gotten a few compliments… oh ash. Nevermind:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I was wondering if anyone caught it. I mean…what? I the wording was totally unintentional.

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There’s also one in Tower of Power (Reaper) in Alder. Located near the Big sword… :blush::blush:

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I think its a message, plus the codes for this emoji (:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)… but sometimes it didn’t work if made a mistake… :blush:

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your question and @PrincessMaude answer saved me lot of times, thank you


Or check the Nova Golda Farm portals on Trung, has a great Ash farm!

Nova Golda portal area can be reached thru the Trung exit at TNT, but also thru the TNT market/mall portal area.


I was aware actually. Lol. I am not sure how I found out…probably accidentally dropped something important and had to go through and hit all the keys until I found it. Cuz, you know…checking the menus is too much work.