Inappropriate names (beacons, players...)?

So my name should be censored? It’s Rick but d instead of R. It’s my name. Named after my grandfather and great grandfather but it should be censored? Why? It’s my name. Yes it may be inappropriate to some but it’s been my name for 38 years and someone else can say my name is wrong? I’m sorry but I do not feel my name is inappropriate it is my name. That’s why devs need both sides not just auto rename or correct names


Who said your place should be re-named?


No one so far but if someone finds it inappropriate should it be changed?

That would be up to the devs as it is now. No one besides them can change your beacon name.

It’s my name though. So… why should they just be able to change my name? That’s why was saying just changing or renaming because someone has an issue isn’t ok with me. If mine gets changed than I can think and know of plenty of beacons or in game names that need to be censored or changed

I support D1ck and his quest for freedom


There is no issue though because no one is trying to change your name. Only the devs can decide that since it’s their game. It’s their decision when things are brought to their attention. James said he does a little research before he takes action - he doesn’t just change it because someone wants him to.

BTW This is one of the largest, most well-known sporting goods stores in America:


So much answer… :slight_smile: I don’t know if I should call it an ended topic or let you talk about it guys.

I had no answer from these guys so I PMed another one and waiting for a reply, probably this evening since it’s friday.

About the names they used, well, for an example I now live in a hamlet that in french means from the spoonering: “The sticky *agina.”, and one of my neighboor is named in french “big *ick”.

How neat is that !

No, sorry, I like dirty words and having bad jokes with my friends or coworker. Not where I putted more than 40 hours of IG works on a game suited for child. If I had a son and wanted him to come over, I would have to explain a lot about that and that’s the main problem I guess.

It’s like doing dirty jokes in public, I love them but when you are in front of someone who was concerned by your jokes (which was a terrible joke) and you didn’t know about that you feel god damn stupid and you deserve it.

Sometimes it’s better to shut his mouth, something I learned by growing up.

I don’t like censorship (I would like a world where we can say anything and joke about anything) but if you agree to respect some rules, do it for real or don’t come over, that’s simple as that.
Boundless isn’t a public and free place to comes, it’s a game under the rules of their developpers and the law of their country. They have responsability and if they don’t act to fix every small problem they could have problems and they obviously don’t want to.

@james as said I’ll wait their answer or the end of the week-end, if they don’t comply I guess I’ll send you some pictures and report some of their sign.

@morey523 I understand that in your case it’s a problem. I always wondered what was about your first name, how it was deal in english worlds (from a french side I mean). I guess ■■■■ is just a firstname that even this forum is censoring! A bit sad in this case :(.

I hope this topic will stay on tracks without drama :).

Thanks for all the answers.


i would just report the sign in game and then move on.

it was already state above that reporting it in game gives them the exact meta data of the questionable content and if it is inappropriate it will get renamed…

This is what people dont seem to realize censorship does not emanate directly from the government. But companies that police content pursuant to their own terms-of-service agreements. They are required to remove hate speech and some countries require that to be resolve with in 24hours or the company faces heavy fines.

Here is the hashtag for freedom



How do i pm someone?

When this game first came out there was a character with an extremely racist name - I took a screenshot and sent it to the developers and they changed the name instantly.

Press either the avatar or the name, then the red message button.